Author of quotes: Roberta Jellis. Page 4

Henry had to leave the country in which he was born, where even if he was a criminal or a prisoner, he would be known and loved. He will have to ask for asylum and even bread from France! Any favor or disgrace on the part of the French was shameful for Henry - a descendant of Edward III, the hammer of France.
№ 423802   Added MegaMozg 21-07-2021 / 01:30
Better to go through the horror of death once than live in fear all the time.
№ 423801   Added MegaMozg 21-07-2021 / 01:27
The best king is the one who, having listened to all his advisers, rules himself.
№ 423800   Added MegaMozg 21-07-2021 / 01:24