Author of quotes: Mark Feber

In 2008, when the US government decided to shake up the American economy with a direct injection of $ 600 to each US citizen personally (in practice, they gave only $ 300), Mark Feber wrote in his monthly report: The federal government wants to give each US citizen $ 600. but if we spend this money at Walt Mart, the money will go to China, if we spend this money on gasoline, the money will go to the Arabs. If we buy computers, the money will go to India. If we buy fruit, the money will go to Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala. If we buy a high quality car, the money will go to Germany or Japan. If we buy a trinket, the money will go to Taiwan. If we buy drugs, the money will go to Bolivia, Colombia or India. And not a single cent will go towards improving the American economy. The only way to leave money in America and help the economy is to spend it on beer and prostitutes, since this is the only commodity still produced in the United States. And I will definitely contribute.
№ 431932   Added MegaMozg 12-11-2021 / 18:30