Character: Ralph HART

Don't ask me : "Why me? What makes me special?" Oh, nothing, nothing that I could explain at least to yourself. But - and this is the mystery of life - I am not able to think about anything else.
№ 80221   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 17:09
The only thing that can bring peace to our souls is to be together.
№ 36491   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 15:01
In the beginning, men and women were created not as what they are now - it was being single, but with two faces staring in different directions. One body, one neck, four arms and four legs and signs of both sexes. They are like joined at the backs. However, a jealous Greek gods noticed that with four hands of this creature work anymore, and 2 faces, looking in different directions, allow him to always be on guard, so off guard it not to catch, but on four legs and can stand for long, and far. But the most dangerous - being bisexual, it never needed to produce their own kind. And Zeus, the Supreme Olympian God, said then: "I know how to do that these mortals have lost their power" And the lightning split the creature in two, creating man and woman. Thus the population of the earth has increased dramatically, but weakened and confused - now everyone had to find their lost half and connecting with her, to regain its former strength and the ability to avoid betrayal and the ability to work long, and to walk without getting tired. And here is the connection when two bodies merge into one, we call sex.
№ 15272   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 15:14
In the end, everything is a matter of interpretation and skill, isn't it? The skill lies in the fact to serve under a delicious sauce that is difficult to digest.
№ 14761   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 14:46