Character: Shio

I once wanted it to go, and he got angry.
Quote Explanation: During the attack on Agrowaste
№ 305281   Added MegaMozg 21-10-2017 / 18:06
I hear you. Every word you say. We shared an eternity, but we will always be together.
№ 305278   Added MegaMozg 21-10-2017 / 17:24
I'm not alone. No one will ever. We broke up, but still be there for you.
№ 305238   Added MegaMozg 21-10-2017 / 03:06
- I understand. I first understood. You taught me a lot... Thanks to this I became a man. To share with each other food... Live for someone to Die for someone... Forgive someone... you See... it doesn't Matter what clothed these steps... Everyone connected with somebody. You relate to each other.
- Hey, come back! Don't go! Please!
- I would like. I really want to be with you. Here's why... today I say goodbye. Because I love you. I love your form, your human body.
Quote Explanation: Shio takes Nova to the moon, thus saving the entire Earth.
№ 305237   Added MegaMozg 21-10-2017 / 03:03