Character: Hattori Hanzo

- You would become a general, yes? If you had become a general, I would have already become an emperor and would still send you for sake. So you would serve sake. If that's the case, go fetch the sake and shut up.
- You would become a general, yes? If you had become a...
№ 442905   Added Viker 06-08-2022 / 08:52
Quote in English
Quote Explanation: Hattori Hanzo allows Beatrix to take one of the swords from his collection in her hands and then throws a baseball at her, which she cuts in half with a swing of her sword.
Quote in English
№ 440410   Added MegaMozg 03-06-2022 / 22:18
When it comes to the fight, who follow the path of the soldiers to think only about the destruction of the enemy, suppress compassion, and all human feelings. Kill all who will be on the way, even if it's Buddha himself. This truth is the cornerstone of martial arts.
№ 306067   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2017 / 11:03