Character: Antifer

- Seal the mouth of the adversary, for from got another pripahivaet... man, what you drink, what you drink, God?!
- You ask the Lord or me?
- You, of course! Lord brew whip will not... And probably ate bacon and onions... Yes, you - the crest!
- No need to get personal, Genatsvale... Or, by Allah, I will call your nationality, despite the fact that you left long ago from his native Chukotka, and shaved off the pace!
№ 144472   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 16:47
Antifer and Freemason are pounding in my head, interrupting each other:
- And I got... the table! Well, table in French... it is up to you! But is it proper for a woman of your age and situation so clearly to flirt with a stranger in the presence of a living husband?! Because you married in a Church choir sang, the priest was reading... There is such a Grand folio, "Kama Sutra" is called. The ancient Indian treatise for this Lamour homemade German teacher. But the Lord God in heaven looks at it, looks... He is patient, just and merciful, but that's no reason to so brazenly provoke! Just imagine... Night, the stars, the two of us without all, intimately I poured the jam, and then it is so slow... it is Here that the wrath of God and hit your careless head, for threatening our Lord to transgress his commandments!
№ 144215   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 16:29
- Seryozhenka, I assure you, there is hiding a fire-breathing dragon, do not go there.
- No, we'll go out there! immediately climbed Freemason, showing his paint-covered hoodie. - I desire to look into the eyes of the reptile, which made me go all belly in the oil puddle!
- You petty did angel.
- Yes?! You won look at yourself? Lay down on me, harmless of and even outraged on my righteous indignation... Serge, you say, that's why I always have to walk a pig a pig, and he all in white?!
№ 144168   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 16:25
- No vodka, who might have inserted a Freemason.
- Don't interrupt! So, I just wanted to say that we are driven by a natural desire to help all our...
Vodka not!
- Don't interrupt me ignorant of the subject, unfamiliar with the basic rules of cultural behavior.
- Serge, you have someone vodka skommunizdil... - completely lost in a voice made pale features.
№ 144167   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 16:25
For such verses should be hit in the face with candlesticks.
№ 104905   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 10:20
Angel: Freemason, go to hell!
Features: the Original proposal...
№ 104902   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 10:20
Advertising is the essence of the game demonic!
№ 47741   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 22:29
- Sergey, I would recommend to lie in ambush and wait until he comes out.
And if he did not appear?! If he's in the hut products for three years, medicines, a good book and toilet Finnish quality? Fig for him to go? Yes we are here all week in the bushes to camouflage going until samsioe, and he was there - sausage cracking and wait until we are tired. To storm it!
№ 32966   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 11:51