sex [Theme] Page 156

No sex, and then get pregnant and die! Sex no home, no school, either lying down or standing up! Better not! Promise? All right, get condoms!
№ 1086   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:51
And although my goal is to understand what love is, and although I suffer for those who gave your heart can see clearly: those who touch my soul, I can't ignite my flesh, and those who touches my flesh, powerless to grasp my soul.
№ 677   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:34
People follow mode, wear wigs, spend hours in beauty salons or gymnasiums, wear what is flattering and hides figure flaws, endeavoring a spark - so what? Finally go to bed, and it goes on for eleven minutes. Eleven minutes - that's all. And nothing that would raise to heaven and then it will take some time - and there is no spark to ignite the extinguished flame.
№ 674   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:34
Scratched on the wall: You know what the end life and porn. The only difference between them is that life starts with the orgasm.
№ 415   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:24
On the wall it says, I fucked sandy Moore.
All around that, ten others have scratched, me too.
Someone else scrawled: is there anybody here who are not fucked sandy Moore?
Next to that is scratched Ya.
Next to that is scratched: ***.
№ 414   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:24
The magic of sex is that it's acquisition without the burden of possession. No matter how many girls did you bring home, the problem with storage and warehousing is missing.
№ 408   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:23