earth [Theme] Page 24

It's just "Boo"! Under... the ground?..
Quote Explanation: hearing the noise of lava from under the earth
№ 311864   Added MegaMozg 22-12-2017 / 02:22
Earth-like man. May not be fertile, if not breathing. We dig the earth not to hurt her, and so she breathed.
7 Season 169 Series
№ 310992   Added MegaMozg 15-12-2017 / 00:17
Here's my poem to viazemskii:
So the sea, that old murderer,
Ignite your genius;
You are the glory of the Golden lyre
Neptune the terrible Trident.
Don't glorify it in our vile age
Gray Neptune Earth ally.
All the elements man
Tyrant, traitor or prisoner.
Quote Explanation: Letter to A. I. Turgenev on 16 January 1837
№ 308687   Added MegaMozg 21-11-2017 / 22:24
Always read the Mother earth. The more you show respect, the more we get in return.
Always respect Mother Earth. The more you respect it the more respect you will get in return.
№ 305174   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2017 / 23:06
You asked the Marshal whether the person retains their loyalty to their native land or leaders. I think that everyone has to make their choice.
№ 305058   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2017 / 03:03
Any area might change owners many times. The land may be drenched in blood, strewn with the bones, dug up graves or covered with piles of rusting weapons and armor. But all that is erased and disappears in one generation. I saw it with my own eyes. However, the land itself does not change.
№ 305056   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2017 / 02:15
- He broke the seal, i.e. the docking ring, and caused the earth to cry!
- Oh! We've heard! If Godzilla stepped on a LEGO.
2 Season 12 Series
№ 304982   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:24
The front seems to me a sinister maelstrom. Still far away from the centre, in calm waters already begin to feel the force with which he draws you into his funnel, slowly, inexorably, almost completely paralyzing all resistance.
But from the ground, from the air we join forces, we need to defend ourselves, especially from the ground. For anyone in the light of the earth doesn't mean so much as to the soldier. In those moments when he nestles up to her, long and clasping her in his arms, when under fire, fear of death makes him deeply buried in her face and all her body, she's his only friend, his brother, his mother. Her silent reliable intercessor, moaning and screaming, he confides his fear and his pain, and she takes them again and releases him for ten seconds, ten seconds, dashes, another ten seconds of life - and again pick him up, to conceal, sometimes forever.
Earth, earth, earth!..
Earth! You have folds, and hollows, and the hollows in which we can hide run and hide like a mole! Earth! When we writhed in its death agony, under the bursts carrying the destruction of the fire, under the chilling howl of explosions, you once again gave us life, poured it in us a powerful counter-jet! The crazed confusion of living beings, which was nearly ripped to shreds, it was passed on to you, and we felt in our hands your return currents and clung even tighter to you with my fingers, and silently, fearfully enjoying another experienced the minute I bit into you, lips!
№ 294833   Added MegaMozg 21-07-2017 / 15:15
You draw strength from the red earth of Tara. You're part of it - it's part of you.
№ 293202   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2017 / 05:33
For more than four months in total, I had the opportunity to stay in orbit, I managed to see: no better work than in space, but there is no better life than on Earth!
№ 284974   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2017 / 07:35
But the other Ainur looked at the home, placed among the spaces of the World, which the Elves call Arda, the Earth; and their hearts rejoiced, and the eyes, seeing the many colors of her skin, full of joy; listening to the same roar of the sea they felt a great restlessness. And they saw the wind and the air, and all of which Arda is made - iron and stone, silver and gold, and other substances; but most of all admired their water. And, as they say, the Elves in the water were left to live the echo of the music of Anurov; and because many of the Children of Iluvatar ready to heed the voices of the sea - and yet they do not know what heed.
№ 284379   Added MegaMozg 24-04-2017 / 19:26
No, never I wouldn't trade the sea on your stuffy, dusty ground!
№ 283252   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2017 / 18:53
The sun to the earth with a smile
Looks, with meekness shining,
It's like a mother shaking zybko,
On the sleeping child.
The earth actually
Sleepy, not a dead look.
No, she was in her bed
Not end, and sleeping.
Quote Explanation: The Translation By Boris Pasternak. Ended, 1848
№ 273305   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:03
I want to pay thirty pieces of silver is much greater than the cost of the land. But peace between the neighbors is much more expensive than silver.
№ 271798   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 15:11
The greatest wealth of nature is a person. The people enriched the land, not the land - the people.
№ 260112   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 18:11