Valery Sidelnykov. A sense of unreality (№ 312461)

A sense of unreality. A complete lack of self-confidence and the precarious state of the nervous system. Own eyes treacherously release sea of salty tears that flows down the pale cheeks and continues its way down the neck, blending into the blue fabric and leave wet spots. The fear of being misunderstood and of losing the respect of others becomes a phobia of all life. Although, more accurately, the location of one individual, whose existence still seems unreal and dream a figment of her sick imagination. It's capable of it, she knew. But no, such an incredible and extraordinary person had a place in the world, which sent her arms and did not give freely to breathe. And, hiding her tear-stained face in the pillow, she tried to hide from the world, but wanted to exist for a person who was sincerely don't care have it or not.
№ 312461   Added MegaMozg 28-12-2017 / 06:02

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