Author of quotes: Valery Sidelnykov

Every second
To the last breath,
With drops on her cheeks
And heart pain:
I love you.
Does not exist in this world of a man who cared about my soul and heart more than you.
You are my part,
Your soul,my dear,
We are one.
We are two complete units which,
The Duo create something beautiful and bright.
With all my heart,
Every cell of the soul,
From head to toe,
№ 343766   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:14
He made me promise I would never leave him alone.
And he did it with me.
№ 343765   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:13
It was literally ashamed of their feelings,
For my restless heart, lovingly and tenderly relevant to the person,
Who expressed their love very differently
And I didn't see it,
And continued to cheat their thoughts in intricate spirals in my head with the dark strands falling on a wet face.
I demand too much from impassive dreamer, whom he calls himself,
And it hurts me so much
And so ashamed
So sorry
I'm back and die again from thoughts to remain unloved and
№ 343764   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:12
In your eyelashes confused the billions of stars
In your hair dancing in the rays of the rising Sun,
Your lips pull stronger than the gravity of Earth,
The wings that you bought me, lift me up and carry away from the milky way.
You are my universe.
№ 343762   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:10
- We feel to some extent masters of their own lives (because it is) and make an effort to replenish its positive aspects, which can be in travels, and in the long winter evenings spent under a blanket in his arms.
- No matter where, no matter the weather and the scenery outside the window while beloved eyes staring up at you, lit up inside from all those fine feelings, which is full of both, and our fingers intertwined with each other, just as in the delicate dance connect our souls, we can do it all.
№ 343761   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:09
Your opinion.
Your full of love and admiration look makes the flowers inside me growing and spreading its delicate pearl-colored wings behind my back.
"Thanks for the wings".
"Thank you for this garden."
№ 343760   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:08
I was waiting for in his life time
when from-for clouds will look out a new star
that will Eclipse the Sun itself,
that will make withered mines in my soul once again filled with sparkling water,
when in the deserted place left over from dead city, there will be new terrain, and filled with even more good people,
which will come closer, squeeze them in and breathe into me life.
And it really happened.
Thank you.
№ 343759   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:07
Your touch I know from the thousands, no, millions.
I already did, knowing you, among others,
When your soul came to me late at night in a dream and gently, with trepidation, kissed my lips, leaving a pleasant feeling after waking up.
I did, when I looked into your full of tenderness and love eyes to see familiar features.
It's magical, it's incredible, it's fascinating and for a moment I forget how to breathe
When my foggy mind after your sweet kisses illuminates the realization that it is you:
The one, the one and only, the special and the most beloved man I've been waiting for.
Touch, kiss, caress,
Be gentle and also passionate,
Breathe in my scent, desire,
And become of a do not powerful.
№ 343758   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:06
His sparkling happy eyes, full pale blue sincerity, looking at me through slightly lowered eyelids, talked about his feelings more than hundreds of words, written or spoken.
He loved me like I loved him, and happiness from the realization of this fact forced our souls to blossom and sing in the euphoria that people call love.
A truly wonderful feeling, happy to share, thus amplifying the magic that we already have.
He loves me like I love him.
Perhaps more is needed.
№ 343757   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:05
A quiet happiness.
Tenderness and passion in your movements.
Blue eyes, full of attention and love.
Unknown to me up to this feeling
Like I was inspired by the spirit,
Aspiring to heaven,
But not releasing you from his embrace.
Two souls
Two soul mates,
Two parts of one whole
Touch on our lips
And create the same
Incredible and lovely
Which all these years we tried:
True love.
My only wish
To link our souls together and tight
As you hold me on a whim.
You are the ocean of my love,
You are the flame of my passion,
You are the air which I breathe
And you're the land where I flourish.
№ 343756   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:04
Hear that?
Oh yeah,
She's the one,
Sneaking on my toes
Gently breath with nose
Silent gets back
To remain unnoticed.
Abruptly grabs you by the shoulders,
Causing shudder and scream,
Compresses into its icy embrace,
Burn his face with a frosty breath
And a hoarse voice whispers the words,
Arguing that it is - the mind.
But you know
Know who she really is.
It's not love
Not common sense
And not even the longing.
It's the emptiness.
№ 343755   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:03
The roar of closing doors echoes went to high arches, hitherto filled with the sunlight of the castle.
In the twilight gradually thickened fog, the muppet show, he was drawn to the pedestal with the pulsing energy of heart, burning his icy touch.
The heartbeat slowed, the world around stopped for a moment, a treasure in the middle of the hall trembled, movable inside a strange power, bearing destruction and imbalance.
A loud groan escaped the pink lips of the girl who has experienced unbearable pain in the chest area.
It closed.
But it's too late.
№ 343754   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 08:02
Dolor acer.
The desire to escape.
Mors is voluntary.
Salvation is not,
After all, you lowered your head
On the chopping block.
The weak die.
Strong remain.
Even the most terrible pain
Accompanied by a subsequent joy.
In your case,
Solace in oblivion.
Sound of a breaking heart.
№ 343751   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 06:19
Drowning in unrequited love, which has two sides: sweet and bitter, warm and cold, tender and cruel, deep and shallow, flapping in the wind and apathetic, quiet and loud;
She chooses the path of self-sacrifice (again?) and kneels before the emotion took possession of her fragile, cracked around the edges, heart.
Gives it into the hands of the person to whom it is not necessary, even more zazhmurivaya eyes, ignoring this fact, and hears only what he wants to hear.
His fragile soul, revealing the sight of a new person, she believes what ever she will be rewarded for all the suffering which was already a lot in her life, but she again and again takes on more burdens, giving a vow to love forever.
Gentle empathy, overflowing all its essence without residue, the capacity for disinterested love, as the fruits of the beautiful garden that only blooms due to heating of the light particles of the soul, no one today does not appreciate.
Love, through the heart with spears, shows no mercy and makes no exceptions even for regular customers, brutally enough of the breast and compresses the lungs, and she only faced with the suffocating reality face to face, each time running away in tears, trying to recover from the endured stress.
№ 343750   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 06:18
You're like a breath of long awaited cold fizzy drink on a hot July day
You're like a sweet refreshing mint in a warm black tea on a rainy October evening
You - as a mild warming that is covering the shoulders, a woolen blanket on a snowy night in January,
You're intoxicating like a sweet trail delicate aroma of blooming lilacs in the warm April morning.
You're the whole world veiled in great detail.
You're the living embodiment of love and kindness.
You are my soul.
№ 343749   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 06:17