A cowardly hawk. Foreword by Dmitry GOBLIN Puchkov (№ 419963)

This is my story about what I saw in Vietnam and how it affected my life. All events are real; I hope that chronology and geography are close enough to reality, at least that's how I see it. The names of the characters and their characteristics are changed out of respect for their right to personal privacy. I'd like to apologize to the "grumbler" if they don't like that word. I have nothing but respect for them, remembering the conditions in which they had to serve. I hope that my memories will make other veterans talk about the era of the Vietnam War and how it affected people and society as a whole. Instead of talking about the political aspects of the war, I focused on telling about the real life of a helicopter pilot in Vietnam in 1965-66. I hope that events will speak for themselves.
Quote Explanation: The cult book, first published in Russian.
№ 419963   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 12:03

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