Anime: Невероятное приключение ДжоДжо: Золотой ветер (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)

I will say this, they are of that rare breed that even disgusts me. This Cioccolata is a scum to look for, for sure he will gladly finish off half the capital.
Quote Explanation: Bucellati o Chocolates
№ 449245   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2023 / 09:30
Fate itself placed me at the top, I am the supreme ruler who left behind all obstacles.
Fate itself placed me at the top, I am the supreme ruler...
№ 442853   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2022 / 08:12
Thinking only about the result, people start looking for a shortcut. And on a short road, you can lose sight of the truth. And the desire to do something will disappear. I think the only important thing is the desire to learn the truth.
№ 415188   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2021 / 19:12