Book: The Lord of the world

Strip through the city was a wave of some massive five minutes of insanity. Extreme excitement gripped everyone. And a point of insanity this time was the word "war".
- War, war until victory! Death to the enemies! - shouted the man, waving sticks and umbrellas, screaming women, children and the elderly in the extraordinary enthusiasm and out of tune singing of the national anthems. All was terrible. It seemed that these people already drunk with blood, and see before you a mortal enemy.
- Death or victory! War! Long live the war! Thirst for action, of struggle, of blood was so strong that the streets there were a number of massacres. Men and children fought among themselves. Women were surrounded by a stout lady who seemed to them a foreigner, and beat her with umbrellas so umbrellas were some curved rods. Their faces were pale, his eyes burned with hatred, the hat fell to the ground, the hair is dissolved. And they continued to beat the poor woman with some sadism, almost voluptuous delight in cruelty. Everywhere they seemed foreign spies. The crowd of men stopped a passing car "ambulance", pulled an imaginary spy. Men tore the bandages from burnt bodies of the unfortunate. The patient was screaming and distraught people through the bandages in search of the secret papers.
All of them, both men and women, children and the elderly, were in such a state that really would go to die on the field of battle and would have died, not thinking about himself but only about how to kill.
The fit of madness passed as suddenly as it had begun. Stunned, shocked people looked at the beaten and wounded, on the traces of blood on the ground, his torn, shredded costumes and hair and could not understand what it all means.
№ 251404   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 11:18
Stirner has set itself a new challenge: to lay their hands on the entire industry of the country, taking advantage of the fact that most enterprises were debtors of the Bank Elsa Glitch.
Breeders and factory owners fought hard, but Stirner methodically seized into their own hands for their factories and plants.
№ 250096   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 10:36
Stock brokers arranged a ten-minute meeting, which decided that to hold the paper Munsterberg, Schumacher, and all the associated banks no chance. The collapse occurred. Every minute brought the ruin of entire States. Paper continually passed from hand to hand. After midnight, the tension reached the highest point. Not only the area in front of the Exchange, but also the neighboring area was crowded with vehicles of large holders of securities. They sat in his limo all night, pale and weary, with wandering eyes. Bulletin, the newsletter brings news about the continually lowering rates. These courses have been received by telephone, but in the moment of sending of the telephone message was not true. Crowds of people, like during natural disasters, camped on a nearby Boulevard and pay for the right to sit on a Boulevard bench more than the cost of a room in the best hotel. In the morning two broker and a banker fell into raving madness.
№ 250095   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 10:36
She felt more miserable than in the darkest days of his working life. That gave her wealth?
The trial, which was some mystery, and wealth separated her from the crowds of ordinary people who live as they like, walk the streets, go to the cinema. Each of her departure drew the attention of thousands of curious looks met her. And she refused visits. It was not pleasure that she could not afford to allow, and yet she was deprived of them all. Only the transparent wall of glass had separated her from world wide, shimmering with all the colors, but the wall was insurmountable for her. With sadness in her voice, she whispered:
- How unlucky I am, how unlucky I am!
№ 247906   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 21:12
- Sick.., sick, and very strange disease. When I left court, I was suddenly gripped by the fear of the people and shame... I was ashamed to expose myself to them... You know that the portraits of all the participants in the trial were printed in many Newspapers. And it seemed to me that every counter, every passing driver, even the boys point at me with his fingers and say: "Here a man devoid of brother inheritance for unseemly act!" And since nobody knew, what is this unseemly act, anyone can think what he likes, maybe I have made a forgery - made to exchange the signature of the brother, and maybe attempted to poison him. And I ran... - the old Man sighed. - Yes, I have experienced many bitter moments, Fraulein...
№ 247480   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 20:56
The history knows examples when mad kings ruled great States, and the people were not even aware about it...
№ 244436   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:42
The claim of Oscar Gottlieb built by the skillful hands of the lawyer Lueders, based on the fact that the testator at the time of the will was not "of sound mind and memory". The proof of this was applied all the efforts. The corpse of Karl Gottlieb disturbed, and the best professors made the anatomy of the brain. Presented on this occasion to court the Protocol was very detailed weight, color of the brain the number of brain convolutions, beginning sclerosis, but the main problem was not solved.
Make direct conclusions about mental abnormality Karl Gottlieb experts did not dare, though - not without the influence of Lueders and found "several anomalies".
But the Lueders reserve had well-prepared witnesses. With Lueders was to be controlled easier than with the experts. Carl Gottlieb, who stood at the head of a huge case, surrounded by a lot of people. Among them it was not difficult to recruit witnesses who are willing to give a decent reward for any evidence. Led by the experienced hand of the witnesses cited many small incidents from the life of the deceased, which confirmed the idea that Carl Gottlieb may have been abnormal.
№ 244291   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:36
That's why I sometimes think that someone is profitable drooling virtue, someone plays the flute in religion, morality, duty, honesty, and we, stupid, spread by saliva. Is it time to drop all this old stuff and stop dancing to the tune of the old morality?..
№ 242612   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 17:30
Reflex is the transmission of nerve excitation from one point of the body to another through the center of the brain. Any impact from outside, through the senses, by reflex through the center, causing the activities of certain organs of the body, in other words, causes a reaction. The child holds out his hand to the fire. The fire is burning. This is the impact of fire on the skin is transmitted by nerves to the brain and from the brain goes to the arm response: the child pulls his hand. The idea of fire is associated in the child with a view pain. And whenever the child sees the fire, he begins timidly draw back his hand. Get what we call, in science, a conditioned reflex... here is a more complex example. You give a dog is, and at the same time, every time she eats, playing the flute. Lunch with the music. While eating the dog's abundant saliva is separated. After some time when playing the flute closely associated in the minds of a dog with taste, you will pretty tune on his flute, the dog will strenuously to salivate. Reflex!.. And to think that the "saints" of human feelings, as duty, loyalty, responsibility, honesty and even the famous Kantian "categorical imperative", are conditional reflexes absolutely the same manner as the selection of dog saliva! The process of creating such reflexes are more complicated, but the essence is the same.
№ 242608   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 17:30
Reflexology is the science that studies the response of human and even every living being, arising from the influence of the outside world and characterizes itself, in General, all relations of the living being to the environment.
№ 242607   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 17:30
... talented evil is doubly dangerous.
№ 240462   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 15:44
The greatest source of energy is the human thought... Electromagnetic fluctuations that occur in the cells of the human brain - is the force that owns the world.
№ 59100   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 14:10