Book: Memoirs of a geisha. Page 5

Life like the storm that constantly washed away what was true just a moment ago, and shows the world something desolate and unrecognizable..
№ 29603   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 09:28
Sadness is a feeling we are helpless upon meeting her. It resembles a window opening up by itself.
№ 16989   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 22:11
Mameha again I walked around the corner, and this time was a stately gait, with downcast eyes. She momentarily caught my eye and quickly averted his eyes to the side. I can say, I felt a jolt of electricity. If I were a man, probably would have decided that she is a prisoner of very strong feelings, but tries to suppress them in himself.
- If I can Express these feelings with their ordinary eyes, ' she said to me, - think how much you will be able to tell her. Do not be surprised if you will bring a man to unconscious state in the street....
№ 16419   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:29
Keep your heart closed, because nothing lasts forever. Don't get attached to anything, because that will either go in the end will break your heart.
№ 16418   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:29
... now I know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising on the ocean. Whatever they were, but their wins and losses we have to endure, because soon will rise new wave, but it will be a new story...
№ 16417   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:29
Men always tend to notice your eyes and try to understand what information you pass through them, even if you don't.
№ 16416   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:29
... human beings are just part of something much bigger. In passing, for example, we may crush a beetle or simply change air flow, which a fly can be where she is without us ever got. And if we think about these examples, but only with us in the role of insects, and about the universe, our role becomes clear that every day we are affected by the forces that oppose is not the same as a beetle can not resist our giant foot. What can we do? We must use the available methods to understand the movement of the universe around us and to correlate them with our actions, not to resist, and to move in unison with them....
№ 16415   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:29