Book: Villains. Climbing

Can live here - and all life will be peaceful. But who knows what will happen to you if you accept the challenge?
№ 277508   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
Advise? It's not my business - to take responsibility for someone else's destiny.
№ 277506   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
Only stopped to Wake up in a cold sweat after escaping, only adapted to village life, only altered the house, only, only, only...
He did not like these "only". If someone aggressively pushes forward, does not stop to rest, to understand what, where and how.
№ 277505   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
As the ancients said: "appoint the path of the foot and your way so be direct."
№ 277504   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
- You're young and strong, Old don adjusted his glasses, - in addition, in your eyes illuminates the mind, is clearly superior to age. You can achieve a lot... but in a different place. The village loved you as one of us. But the Canon...
It would be better if you can become someone, not to live life in one place, burying their skills. Yet sweetheart and children, you can see the world, to do something for him. You helped us with the harvest - it is a lot. But to keep you here for our benefit - so you bury your talents in a peasant's fate, and it is highly dishonest.
№ 277503   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
Only the river of time wears away the heart.
№ 277502   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 18:55
To think about girls, tight wallets and the place of honor is nice. Yes, that's in the stomach from these dram is not added.
№ 274753   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 14:51
- Yes, it is true that food is evil. Makes people lazy. Not want to do anything, just to sleep.
Taryn grinned, eyes sparkled contentedly:
- And once you have fed, nice firm mooring and--, you are the main villain!
№ 274752   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 14:51