Movie: Through the thorns to the stars

- ... I also have a duty, a duty to Dessa, before the zealots...
- Yes, you - zealots of death! You zealots degeneration! Yes, my conscience is unclean, but I am ready to do all for the sake of Dessa, and I remain a friend and a disciple of Glan!
You ruined it!
- But I'll save his dream!
- You can't!!!
- Will, Tarantox, will be released! Our planet is our home, and we are unable to leave it. We comforted ourselves in the fact that nature is wise, she will find the way to salvation... "Today the noise of our forests and our children laugh, it is still rich in our bowels and birds sing on our century will suffice!", - we said... But not enough! No rivers, no animals, exhausted our subsoil, no air! Every second a child is born a freak, and we got a prosperous face masks! We wiped out the damned war! We are all - killer Dessa, but you doubly because they breathe pure air, and sell it to others!
№ 366652   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 04:17
- You wanted to kill?
- Not in this case. They are not worthy, that for them...
Is, of course, terrible... what happened. But, my dear girl, they are not to blame. They are sick, they sleep, they sleep the mind. We need to Wake their brains, to cure it. We must help them, not despise.
№ 366651   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 04:16
Is it possible to love a man who trades life? Masks - Tarantox, children's mask - Tarantox, fresh air - Tarantox... Is it possible to love a person, which is beneficial, is beneficial to my child could not breathe?!
№ 366650   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 04:15
Yes... Me a lesson: don't surround yourself with loyal fools...
№ 366649   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 04:14
Everything has a meaning.
№ 366647   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 04:12
On earth we are not forever: only for a while.
Even the jade crushed,
Even the feathers of Quetzal calls are torn,
On earth we are not forever: only for a while.
Quote Explanation: "The philosophy of nagua". Translation R. Burguete-Auritz.
№ 366636   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 01:07
- You could be a hobby robot?
- Specifically you?.. I have to you br-R-ratsie feelings!
- My God! What are you like a buffoon, Stepan?
I'm not a buffoon. And you, nia, no worse than others! Each person has their own disadvantages: one has no legs, another had a sense of humor, and you have the "heart of obedience" developed. You'd make an amazing wife! The prices you will not!
Quote Explanation: In the brain, NII discovered artificially introduced "heart of obedience", which is working on a certain radiation, it is possible to completely manage it.
№ 366634   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 01:05
- She teleports. Its very catch!
Well to catch her then? She's not a butterfly...
Quote Explanation: Niya scared of an ordinary rain, thinking it was acid, and teleported to a safe place.
№ 366614   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2019 / 23:14