Author of quotes: Henri Troyat

When I read Chekhov, I get the impression that a friend very dear to my heart is telling me something in a low voice. With none of the writers whose lives I worked on did I feel such close spiritual intimacy, such deep agreement with the concept of art and life.
Quote Explanation: Henri Troyat. My so long road.
№ 458466   Added MegaMozg 11-11-2023 / 00:30
All revolutions start with childish games.
№ 271591   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 14:20
Why simple Russian landscape, so a walk in the summer in Russia, in the village across the fields, through the woods, evening on the steppe, used to bring me to such a state that I lay on the ground in a sort of exhausted from the influx of love to nature, from those inexplicably sweet and intoxicating sensations that focused more on the forest, Prairie, river, village in the distance, a modest Church, in a word, everything Russian is poor, darling landscape.
№ 162575   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 20:16