Author of quotes: Dmitry Kiselev

About the General-turned, clearly saying articles questioning the Nazis published this two-volume edition of three books: "General Vlasov: a Story of betrayal". There are a lot of interesting, for example, from the characteristics of one of the Gestapo agents A. Vlasov.
NKGB accumulated information on the identity of the Vlasov. So, in October 1944, captured by the Gestapo agent said, "He's rough and sharp, but able to control himself. Insults do not forget, a very selfish and conceited. In a moment of personal danger, cowardly and fearful. Philosophy is not love. Against communism not by conviction, but because of a hopeless personal situation and due to the fact that they lost personal items. As the commander is good at middle posts (the Colonel), and in more senior positions is relatively weak. Good tactics average strategy. His quote: "Though up to his neck in dirt, but to be master of"". Already caught in court, admitted their betrayal, the question of the voluntariness of the transition to the side of the Nazis, said : "Fainthearted." So. And now someone is trying to justify his cowardice political orientation.
Quote Explanation: General Vlasov was before his betrayal in favor with Stalin, and was very afraid of losing his position. When he took the offensive, initially wanted to blame the ailing General Klykov, but then, seeing the encirclement of the army to put the culprit of the chief of staff Colonel Vinogradov. Pet party turned out to be a cowardly bureaucrat and careerist.
№ 357940   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2019 / 22:15
REP by nature - alternative art. Rappers are like cats that walk by themselves. Arrange them in a flock is no easy task. At least rappers don't is "nightmare". They're just people with different, including our society and the state, looks up to the beast, which is close to podrostkovoy as such.
№ 353293   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2018 / 02:15
On the Cabinet of the British soldier then I saw a sticker pasted: "Death is a mistake on the battlefield". But the soldier's right learn: wrong - death. Form, in my opinion, also applicable to civilian life. Drunkenness is a mistake, recklessness on the road - a mistake or folly. How much can you make mistakes and brag about it? Maybe we men should say now: "an Early death is wrong in your life"? It happens in every one, but this does not mean that fathers are entitled to fatal errors in life, and they are known.
Quote Explanation: On pension reform.
№ 332564   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2018 / 06:06
What I mean is that in the new strange world there is some reason an offence to Pat the woman on the shoulder, and to destroy the country and kill hundreds of thousands of people is not a crime.
№ 323037   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2018 / 10:43
London is ready to draw in this strange dance America, and the countries of the European Union deception. And internally for the British upper layer is forgivable. After all, the lie of moral, if not equal to deceived you. And the Germans, the French and the poles ready for the London to believe. They can not recognize themselves as unequal?
№ 320987   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2018 / 03:58
This colonialist arrogance and the double moral standard - one for themselves, some for others - explains a lot. For example, Hobbies, spyware games. If in other countries the intelligence service - the lot of professionals for the British national sport, the most prestigious occupation even for Bohemians, whether writers or musicians. When the cases were many: from Daniel Defoe author of "Robinson Crusoe" - to Graham Greene. His book - "the Quiet American" and "Our man in Havana". What can we say about the author of the bestselling James bond Ian Fleming. Human intelligence twice visited Soviet Russia on the eve of the Second world war. A spy for MI6 after the Second world worked and John Le carré. Still alive British writer Frederick Forsyth - his books are published in millions of copies - at the end of life admitted that for more than 20 years he worked for British intelligence, including against the Soviet Union.
№ 320986   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2018 / 03:57
English society traditionally closed, and the gentlemen are only on the UK, very selectively interacting with each other. Rules of honour and even of good manners apply them only on equal terms. All the rest - no. Do not apply. This unwritten principle is not always possible to understand, let alone accept. But he is working. It should be easy to remember. Those English gentleman considers below himself, he can deceive. And it is not a sin. And if in the interests of the UK, and even prowess. Those English gentleman, he considered it beneath himself to kill. And it will also be acceptable.
№ 320977   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2018 / 03:48
In General, what is propaganda - no one knows. The best definition in a conversation with me somehow gave one British colleague-journalist: "Propaganda is when I don't like what you're saying!"
№ 307667   Added Viker 13-11-2017 / 15:39