Author of quotes: Paul Craig Roberts

Enjoy life. Stop worrying about the future. The neocons ensured you didn't have one.
№ 465579   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2024 / 15:12
A country in which there is no free and fair media where honesty is the highest value, cannot survive. The US there is no such media. That's why the United States has no chance of survival.
№ 402403   Added MegaMozg 13-08-2020 / 20:39
Due to the failure of Putin, the country is doomed: its economists are brainwashed from the time of Yeltsin! <...> Today, the US has the largest national debt in world history. The US has the largest trade and budget deficits in world history. The US unemployment rate is 22 per cent hiding. If the neo-liberal economy does not work in America, why it will work in Russia?
Quote Explanation: From the article in the publication "The Herland Report". Cited in the information multiportal "KM.RU" (28.05.2018). [Paul Craig Roberts - American economist, political and economic analyst, a Republican. Paul Roberts known in the U.S. for his criticism of President George W. Bush. According to Roberts, after he criticized the policies of George Bush Jr., since 2004, he is not allowed to be published in major Newspapers of the country.]
№ 327343   Added MegaMozg 30-05-2018 / 01:04