Author of quotes: Yaroslav Grendowicz

A particularly striking feature of the provision of conscious influence on the aspects of reality that under the old surveillance system would be subjected to the tyranny of materialistic consciousness, and in the new world should yield to the unconscious use of creative mind. With the exception of aspects relating to the myths persisted of the objectification of reality, as well as archeometry relating to self-sustaining nonsense of the so-called ethics of attachment to personal identification, it will be possible to reach the stage of a creative super-consciousness fully established on the basis of material reality and is able to complete its reorganization in the campaign creative, creative, what are the acts will become fully Autonomous physical existence. It is a world that represents the ultimate objective proof of the absence of entities, objectified materialistic, and able to form the entity as living, and the newly created, deriving from the superconscious. A further aim would be the formation of social weight, to free her from archeobotany of pseudogravity, depending on starting values, after the rejection of concentration on the myth of the existence of the individual unit of consciousness. Because of this, at a later stage it will be possible to establish a social mass, is able to achieve unity with superbanana and undertaking General acts of creation...
№ 336638   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 04:04
When any idiot can take a weapon that can kill everyone, soon the world will begin to rule the fools.
№ 336637   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 04:03
In the ass, I saw the idea to become a single. There is no single. Everyone inac. One high, other wise, the third lazy fourth brave. Someone healthy and someone sick. Some are rich and some are poor. One manages, the other is not. That's life. You can handle, only if you're free. People are not born slaves and are not born the same.
№ 336636   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 04:02
So we, the people, are arranged. Apart from logic, reason and the ability to weigh the odds, we still have a conscience. Her pangs. Feelings. All sorts of excess that make us human.
№ 336635   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 03:10
When you make a mistake, admit it - not shame, not humiliation. It's a proof of wisdom and courage.
№ 336634   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 03:09
One thing - the time counted from the day of birth, and quite another - the time that you have lived. Months flow faster or slower. Sometimes a few days, like years. Days, even hours can change a person forever. Again, sometimes nothing happens, and despite the fact that time flows, everything feels like it's standing still. Man learns nothing, he lasts without changing.
№ 336633   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 03:08
My advice: when in foreign lands or between strangers, look first for Breakfast. If it is possible to eat, drink glass of beverage and smoke a tube bakuna, you've come to good people. If no one will be surprised when after Breakfast to the tube, take a glass of spiced beer or ambrie, you among men honest and free. If you will not allow even this run, if you can. Because it means that we can not even think or speak. We have as much freedom as is about us.
№ 336632   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 03:07
Sublimated philosophical point about which we can speak for hours on the jargon, full of "simulacra", "derivate", "modalities" and "conceptual designata", which in practice are reduced to a primitive contempt, tyranny, and the complex power. The days when knowledge was the function of wisdom is long past. It is now a maze of conflicting views, staying at a high level of abstraction. where the "model model" - first class, second quarter.
№ 336631   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 03:07
Life doesn't matter. It is but a moment... I came out of nowhere and wander into the unknown. There is only Way Up, where I will meet with the Creator. The road Up is difficult, because the path is rocky. There are only tears and stone. Where does all where I'm gonna go as there waiting for me. Then I'm going to walk. The road is not important. Road - just a moment.
№ 336630   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 02:08
You lost your party. But you know what to do to win when you already lost?.. Then you need to shoot down the shapes and place them again. When lost - you can win, just starting anew.
№ 336629   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2018 / 02:07
What exists between a man and a woman, not too different from what happens anywhere else in life. It's part of the way Up. It may turn out good, maybe bad. However, it contains the laws of war, politics, and trade. And they are just as strong. It is both something we so badly crave, the craving can be dangerous. If someone is lucky, he will be able to live without battles and politics. But no one wants and few will be able to live without it.
№ 335591   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 22:12
They care about each other and not cause yourself harm, if they are from the same pack. If they fight each other, only until one of the combatants falls to the ground and will not expose the stomach. The same happens when the young are fighting for fun. However, sometimes comes the wolf, who is too angry and cruel. He gnaws in spite of the fact that the enemy has already opened the stomach and throat. If that happened, his own father, who from a distance watches the game, comes in and kills that puppy. Otherwise, the young will grow up and find their own pack of tyrant and destroyer. The wolves have to trust each other. So animals take care of their wolf's law.
№ 335590   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 22:11
When a miracle happens, fools come and stare with an open mouth. A wise person takes the hands feet, because such a case never fails.
№ 335589   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 22:10