Author of quotes: Albert Artamonov

Musical creativity - Partly it is the air that is pleasant to breathe. In part, this is a way of self-expression, which sometimes conveys much more sensations than a verbal or poetic form. This is a special path leading to discoveries of oneself.
№ 443341   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 15:06
Music is an endless path to enlightenment.
№ 443340   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 15:03
Each line, metaphor, note, melody silently and invisibly reveals the secret name of the soul.
№ 443339   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 15:00
Sincerity is one hundred percent fire of feelings. Depending on the intentions, like a blazing flame, it can warm, burn and eventually incinerate.
№ 443338   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 14:57
To extract sound is interesting, and to do it without any intentions, just by extracting, to feel it. Those who hear it will decide for themselves what intentions this sound carries.
№ 443337   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 14:54
Creativity brings surprisingly unusual, amazing and possibly original results. The main thing is not to think about what will happen, but to proceed from what is, using it to the maximum. In other words - Energy is directed not at creativity itself, but at the outgoing potential, which is an excellent amplifier and conductor of creative ideas.
№ 443336   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 14:51
Autumn and winter are wonderful. These gray landscapes of natural silence are beautiful. This is a symphony of fire and ice from leaves and snow magic. This is a sweet melancholy that you want to absorb with all your presence, be inspired and create.
№ 443335   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 14:48
Sometimes unpredictability is predictable in its unpredictability.
№ 443334   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 14:45
At turning points in life, you begin to look for the tablets yourself. And you find! Your tablets...
№ 443333   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 10:51
Flowing with life and accepting your naturalness is one of the keys to inner freedom.
№ 443332   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 10:48
Sometimes it happens that you try to be independent from anything, not noticing the fact that you are deeply dependent on trying to be independent.
№ 443331   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 06:09
In the free flow, no matter how surprising it is, everything comes by itself.
№ 443330   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 06:06
If specifically to pick off the cranial box of each person, then there will be mental problems. Here the level of colors expressiveness of these problems plays a role.
№ 443329   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 06:03
The forest shone as it huddled in the embrace of the dark night under the dead moon. Luna grinned angrily, squinting her bleary eyes.
№ 443328   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 06:00
Places that seem to be forever the way they are used to seeing them become unrecognizable after time, that world, memory, people gradually burn out. Some moments burn out of memory, leaving only ashes from the shadows of memories. After a certain number of years, no one will remember this.
№ 443327   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 05:57