Character: Dr. Kester Gill (Dr. Kester Gill)

You'd be surprised what lengths people will go to avoid this, what has hurt them from the inside. This is my job. In fact, I engage in torture. My methods of torture are asking you to trust people. I ask you to release control of his hands. But if me people were treated the way they treated you, I would also want to sit in a toilet and hide away from the world.
1 Season 5 Series
№ 357864   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2019 / 13:03
And she [the mother] all the time, "Oh, you can't go because you're different. You don't have to expose yourself." She even used You in an argument: "Oh, just think what Kester would say".
- What did she think I'd say?
- She said You would think it was a bad idea. She knows about everything, as we say here. She doesn't know about what kind of work we did, so I became bold and confident. She constantly reminds me that I'm sick.
- I agree with your mom.
- No, You don't think so.
- You're recovering from a serious illness. If your leg was broken you would have tried to run a marathon after only 2 months?
- So You still think I'm unhealthy? Who were You arguing with? Last week, in the Parking lot. I've seen You. How can I afford to listen to someone whose life is in even more disarray than mine? What's the point of these sessions?
To find out what pushed you over the edge and to prevent it in the future.
- Oh, You're always asking questions. Why would you hurt yourself why you're losing your mind? Sometimes there is NO why. I just do it! To be here and being asked about it every day. So I can't leave it in the past! I was bored. I was all alone. I didn't have friends. Now I'm finally popular. And again You want to make me feel different.
1 Season 5 Series
№ 357810   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2019 / 23:12
- I'm a horrible person, Kester.
- Why do you say that?
My mom asked me if I cared about the new baby. And I said "No". And the worst thing is that I really meant it. I'm not worried. It seems to me that I ruin everything. And the more I try to fix it, the worse it gets. This applies not only to moms. They're my friends. And Chloe.
Because you can't fix other people until you fix yourself.
But I can't be fixed. Because I'm crazy.
- You're not crazy. If you want to be a good person to other people, that's where you should start.
I tried being nice to myself!
- Really?! Because you told me what a horrible person. You're just using what's happening with Chloe or your mum as another reason to hate myself.
- At each session You're telling me that I need to love myself, I need to start more about myself. In the course of many months. You sound like a broken record. But You never tell me how to start or when to start or where!
- Well, we'll start right now! Not tonight, not tomorrow, not after this Cup of tea. We'll start RIGHT NOW. Close your eyes. Now tell me that you don't like about yourself but be honest. Not clever, not angry. Be honest.
- I'm fat. And I'm ugly. And I ruin everything.
- Try to remember how long you feel that way.
I do not know. Nine or ten years.
- I.e. a view of yourself you created a long time ago. Open your eyes. I want you to introduce the tenth version of yourself sitting right there on this couch. This little girl who first believed she was fat and ugly, and she's confused. I want you to imagine that she's sitting here, right now. Tell this girl that she's fat.
- I'm not going to do that.
- Tell her she's ugly.
I don't want.
- Tell her she's a burden, worthless, useless. Because that's what you do every day in relation to itself. So, you think she's ugly?
- No.
Or fat?
- No.
- Or burden? Or awful? Or useless?
- Just stop! No! Okay? No.
- What would you say to that little girl? If she told you about how one perceives and feels, what would you say to her?
- She's fine. She is beautiful.
- That's what you need to tell yourself. Every time you feel anxiety, fear, panic, you need to soothe yourself as you would soothe the little girl. You need to tell yourself that everything will be fine. If you can do it, I promise you that you can do anything.
2 Season 7 Series
№ 343966   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2018 / 11:12
Just because I didn't deserve a place not meant that I didn't deserve a chance.
3 Season 2 Series
№ 202790   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2017 / 09:24
If you think it's your fault, why not call it the incident?
3 Season 2 Series
№ 202789   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2017 / 09:24
- I used to be brave.
- And what happened?
- The world happened.
- I used to be brave.
- And what happened?
- Life happened.
2 Season 4 Series
№ 171384   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 15:17