Character: the girl in dark glasses

- Well, have it your way, listen, because the man that I have as long as remain, loves the woman you were, are and will be.
- However, the Declaration of love from you pincers it was necessary to extend.
- At my age are afraid to be ridiculous.
- You weren't funny.
№ 288010   Added MegaMozg 26-05-2017 / 15:00
There is hope, to nourish which is insane.
№ 287993   Added MegaMozg 26-05-2017 / 09:54
- ... revenge if it is fair, it's a human emotion, if the victim has no right to punish the executioner, it means there is no justice.
And humanity too...
№ 287992   Added MegaMozg 26-05-2017 / 09:54