theatre [Theme] Page 33

I think I first thought about acting in the eight years when the performance was playing the ass of a dragon. The dragon was long, and there were two of us - me and another guy. He got the head and all parent applause. I sat in the ass and thought, "now what is to be an actor".
№ 15645   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 15:32
Good scenery for lovers of salvation. How many sins are covered by the actor's beauty, which easily gives the whole performance of the art shade! Not for nothing did so much acting and directing incompetence hard hiding on stage for sets, costumes, colorful spots, for styling, cubism, futurism, and other "nem" with which try to shock the inexperienced and naive viewer.
№ 4825   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 21:31
I was at the theater last night. The actors played so badly, especially Desdemona, when Othello was strangling her, the audience applauded for a very long time.
№ 4099   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 20:52
It happens quite often: the main difficulty is not the main role.
№ 3563   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 20:29
You need to stop confusing two things - the ability to appreciate and understand the role, even entire plays, and the ability to implement them in the game... Between the actor and the author's attitude is about the same as between a carpenter or a bricklayer and an architect. They don't have to understand.
№ 3561   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 20:29
You want to know my opinion about the play when I don't even know the name of the author?
№ 3514   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 20:27
Naturalism in some theatres, extraordinary! Even footcloths smell coming from the stage. The only people unreliable
№ 2882   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 20:02
Each spectator brings to the theatre's own acoustics.
№ 2644   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 19:53
Farce fact, often you can pass on the stage only a tragedy.
№ 2571   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 19:50
Too many playwrights do not understand their roles on the stage.
№ 2569   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 19:50
There are plays so weak that I can not go to the scene.
№ 2568   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 19:50
- And you love the theater?
- Never been there. But I've always liked the idea of the theatre. The whole world - only the noise of the theater, in it women and men - all of nothing. I often think that if it had not engaged in computers, would go to the theater.
- But you did not see any play?
- No.
- Why?
I'm not interested.
№ 944   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:45
I can't stand the theater, see it in historical perspective, primitive and rotten form of art, which recalls the rites of the stone age and all communal nonsense despite individual injections of genius, like, say, the poetry of Shakespeare or Ven Johnson, who, locking himself and not in need of actors, the reader automatically extracts from drama.
№ 741   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 18:37