condemnation [Theme] Page 4

Because condemning, I'm losing the love.
№ 366720   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2019 / 23:18
The Holy Fathers strictly forbid to make fun of others. They say, "Speak their first weakness, then talk about them." Woe to us: our weaknesses very cleverly disguised, and about other people's ranting so hard. ⠀
№ 364362   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2019 / 22:03
I'm sorry, but you left us no choice.
I swear, he attacked me!
- Video footage and millions of witnesses saying the opposite.
Yang would never do!
You all seem like decent students, even the teaching staff Beacon is ready for you to bet. This is in normal conditions. But I want to believe that what happened is nothing more than the effects of adrenaline under stress. When they go into battle, you can not blindly rely on their own judgment, because sometimes in those moments you see what is actually there. This happens even after the battle.
But I couldn't...
- Enough! The bitter truth is that, regardless of whether it was intention or accident, it doesn't matter. The world saw how you hit surrendered enemy have already made their own conclusions. Now my duty is only to inform you: you're disqualified.
3 Season 8 Series
№ 363941   Added MegaMozg 12-03-2019 / 07:10
To discuss people - it is like rummaging in the garbage.
№ 361536   Added Viker 20-02-2019 / 08:29
People who are worried about someone else's sexual orientation or to defend their own, as a political position, or just, for example, discuss others ' loved ones in the spirit: "God, what a toad", just don't know what love is. Don't know that it falls on the victim's head, breaking and crushing everything in its path, and it is all theoretical conceptions about themselves, about their aptitudes and preferences in the first place.
№ 360336   Added MegaMozg 10-02-2019 / 15:19
The conviction is the heart that is incorrectly configured.
№ 359988   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2019 / 21:28
It is easier to condemn than to discuss.
№ 357454   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2019 / 02:29
To judge the loser are the people who have ever had and a weak hint of success.
№ 350177   Added ТАТЬЯНА ЕГОРОВНА 16-11-2018 / 11:34
There are limits beyond which the condemnation does not pass.
№ 347519   Added MegaMozg 22-10-2018 / 00:10
Curious: just because you happen to sick and fat, almost everyone, even complete strangers, have the right to throw derisive nickname, mocking your specific complexion.
№ 345666   Added MegaMozg 03-10-2018 / 16:04
You know, for your American ears all this savagery. No matter what I did, you will condemn. But in the end you will understand everything.
Listen... Nothing will make sense to your American ears. And you will doubt everything that we do. But in the end, you will understand.
Quote Explanation: Alejandro explains Kate Maser principles of their work.
№ 345513   Added MegaMozg 02-10-2018 / 08:03
Any way, on any pretext, do not blame anyone, not even judge anyone, whether it be good or bad, having before my eyes that one thin man, whom you have to answer to God, himself.
№ 343676   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2018 / 00:11
A cruel observer requires symmetry, one-sidedness and simplicity. However, the court is worthy of that beauty that shines through the smooth, shapeless mass.
4 Series
№ 342349   Added MegaMozg 07-09-2018 / 14:15
You don't know how the lives of other people, I don't know his soul. That's not iskusite, do not comment, do not judge but look at yourself. Know how well you'll live then?..
№ 341094   Added MegaMozg 29-08-2018 / 21:03
I want to be a prisoner of beauty, a fighter for the truth and judge who condemns the evil.
№ 334700   Added MegaMozg 22-07-2018 / 20:03