Book: The summer just before sunset

She was in a stage of perpetual youth, for the attainment of which women are not spared neither time nor effort. (Or rather, not all women, just those who are fortunate enough to be born in countries with a high standard of living).
№ 359420   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2019 / 13:10
Now, looking closely and a little used, she could not remain indifferent and not to admire this crowd of bright representatives of a new class of international officials: they were all as on selection of young or youthful, and if there are elderly people, they looked very modern, considering the age of your enemy and skuse hiding her slightest manifestations.
№ 359419   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2019 / 13:09
This organization, with its committees, conferences and God knows what, where everything is drowning in the rhetoric, is the greatest swindle of the century, a feeder for hundreds of consisting under her loafers.
Quote Explanation: this refers to the world food organization
№ 359418   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2019 / 13:08
She felt a little uncomfortable getting such high salaries and doing nothing.
Quote Explanation: Kate has worked in world food programme
№ 359417   Added Viker 02-02-2019 / 13:07
Kate, as a Thrifty housewife, wondering how much it cost telephone calls about the postponement, then the choice of the conference venue, the cancellation of all of what was said before; some of this money would be enough to feed thousands of people for several weeks.
Quote Explanation: Kate worked for the world food organization.
№ 359416   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2019 / 13:06
In this world the elect of generally accepted rules, values and norms not applicable.
№ 359408   Added Viker 02-02-2019 / 13:01
Mrs. Michael brown, a housewife, bad never didn't dress, but Keith brown, an employee of the world food organization, presented an entirely different requirements. Before you go shopping, it is just in case asked Charlie Cooper, on what salary she can count on. He called the number, hearing that, Kate almost gasped. He said this without a trace of bravado - it was immediately clear that it is commonplace and workaday, as if in the world there are no trade unions, no fierce competition, no poverty, no hunger pangs and nothing can prevent to pay such big money of international officials, these favorites of fortune, without which humanity is simply unable to do.
№ 359405   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2019 / 12:58
These put into use a cliché, as if taken from an exemplary of a display, have such a formidable force that many assert and assert without hesitation: Youth is the best time of life or, For women love is all - as long as one day does not catch in the mirror of his own facial expression at the moment of pronouncing one of these returns, or until you intercept the involuntary grimace of a person or companion in response to his revelations.
№ 179386   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 20:44
Unspoken sharpens the soul of man from within, and should speak out - and what grieved, immediately loses its destructive power.
№ 149659   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 08:38
Are you looking for a man who knows the answers to all the damned questions and be able to say: do this, do that. And such a beast not exist.
№ 16766   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:16
Don't know how to live, is the privilege of the rich.
№ 16756   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:16
If not marriage, would she become something outstanding in your field? Women like not so often become professors.
№ 16750   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:15
She pictured the face of a polite smile, behind which, as behind a good screen, you could think about something else.
№ 16749   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:15
Women are increasingly more often anxiously aware that not only the words she uttered, and many thoughts that came to her mind, was removed from someone else's hanger and wore it on himself - most importantly, feelings, exhausting her at the same time, does not match neither those words nor thoughts.
№ 16748   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:15