Book: In illusions

Page 80: Sober ashamed to go to the indecent women ashamed to steal, ashamed to kill. Drunk do not feel guilty, because if a person wants to do an act which conscience forbids him, he tourmanium...
№ 313843   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2018 / 11:10
The introduction of the norms of temperance in our lives will have a health, beneficial influence on all its spheres, will help everyone better and to further realize how beautiful and colorful this world is the world of creative work and creativity, the world of search and discovery, will help to multiply our forces in the fight for the might of our socialist Motherland.
№ 270147   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:31
Well known since ancient times, man - blacksmith of his own happiness, but we must help them to understand and see the true beauty of healthy life and direct his powers for a noble, Patriotic deeds.
№ 270145   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:31
Deserves special attention and school. Of course, there is the example students must first show the teacher. We now have many smokers teachers. It is clear that this is a bad sample. Is it possible to introduce such a rule - the teacher in school smokes. Hard? Hard! But withstand can. Can a miner, descending in the mine, do not quit your entire day. The teaching profession commits to many things, including to such restrictions. But how positively it will affect the entire situation in the school in the education of students!
№ 270143   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:31
Of course, starting to smoke is simple enough. But how to end it? Who, if not adults, childhood should promote and develop in youth the power of their own will! Started Smoking to prove that you are strong - drop the Smoking. Throw myself and fellow teach. Here's to you specific height. Just take it is not easy, but when you conquer that height, you will understand that you have the independence, endurance, will power.
№ 270142   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:31
Scientists determined that Smoking irreversibly damages the unit of heredity. Changes in chromosomes are observed in smokers twice as often as non-smokers. As a result, among children whose fathers smoke have a relatively higher prenatal mortality, even if their mothers do not smoke. In addition, children of smokers who are discovered twice malformations and deformations of facial features, such as cleft lip, asymmetry of the eyes, etc.
№ 270141   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
The earlier a woman begins Smoking, the more dangerous for it effect of poisons tobacco smoke. If she was addicted to Smoking until the completion of puberty, it develops worse, slower growing. Under the influence of nicotine occurs a steady narrowing of the blood vessels, worsening the nutrition of tissues, supplying them with oxygen. In addition, the blood levels of oxygen is reduced by the combination of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide - one component of tobacco smoke. All this impedes the nutrition of the skin, it loses elasticity and healthy color. Have inveterate smokers face is getting gray. What kind of beauty can there be?
№ 270140   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
Human life is beautiful but short moment, and how you can so lightly and thoughtlessly cut and poison his drug and alcohol poison! Especially in youth, when mind and heart full of noble thoughts, I desires, aspirations to devote himself to the struggle for the benefit of mankind, when each feels himself the most daring, clever and talented, capable of daring discoveries in science, technology, culture. It is on young childbirth falls, the highest rise in the creative combustion of the individual. And we cannot allow this priceless gift was dying, collapsed in a drunken stupor.
№ 270139   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
Boys and girls! I turn to you. It is too late, tell me a good healthy "no" to all alcohol!
№ 270138   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
Remember, alcohol is a poison, a drug, which attracts people, barely tasted it. It draws the person into the swamp of drunkenness, destroying all his plans and even talents. Do not tempt fate, do not start to drink, assuring himself and others that you throw it when you want. There are already many people who end up in places for compulsory treatment and psychiatric hospitals. Taking the first glass to hand, you need to understand where does the path that you are becoming. This is the path of severe trials and crimes, destruction of family and society, the destruction of man and his mind!
№ 270137   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
Youth is the most active, the most productive period of human life. All the best begins in younger years, much is beautiful at this time. Adolescence is a period when character of a person, receives the heyday of his talent, the most intensively developed creative options, and the spiritual potential of the individual.
№ 270136   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
For the sake of future generations, for our children we must rise together against drinking and to make everything that in our lives sway and approved value a sober life.
№ 270135   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
The effect of alcohol on the fetus and future baby is convincingly demonstrated in experiments with animals. Regular administration of even small doses of alcohol gives a sharp increase of infertility (females and males), total malformations, miscarriages, mortality in the first period after birth, and also reducing further the viability of this species.
№ 270134   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
The drunks weakens the will, leading eventually to a complete apathy. Thoughts are losing depth and evade the difficulties instead of to solve them. The circle of interests narrows, and remains one desire - to drink. In advanced cases it comes to a complete stupor and senility.
№ 270133   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30
Millions of years, day and night worked for our mother nature on the creation of earth's highest creature - man, giving him thereby the gray matter, which allowed him to think intelligently, become unique on the planet, and maybe in the whole universe. Our brain is our wealth and originality.
№ 270132   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:30