Book: Touch of shadows

One day you will meet a man who will kiss you so that you will not be able to breathe - and you it does not confuse. Oxygen is nothing. Only passion gives life meaning. And significance. Passion - this is the life. The desire to see tomorrow's dawn, to touch the one you love, to keep trying.
№ 289092   Added MegaMozg 05-06-2017 / 19:14
Human sentiment turns death in the greatest act of love. And this is the biggest nonsense in the world. To die for someone is easy. The one who died for leaving. Plain and simple. The game is over. End the pain... And you try for someone to live. Through all the good, bad, difficult, easy, joy, suffering. That's hard.
№ 289037   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2017 / 15:44
Some people pull out of you the worst, others the best, and there are (extremely small) to whom you are drawn because they reveal to you. In all. They make you feel so alive that you are willing to follow them even in hell, if only all was adjusted.
№ 289001   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2017 / 15:40
I was not ready to die. No one is ready for it. You lose someone you love more than yourself, and go through a short course of death. Every night you lie awake wondering about whether or not there are heaven and hell, looking for any means to cling to faith because they simply can't accept the fact that your loved ones are so far away that I can not hear the whisper of your prayers...
And the worst thing about the loss of a loved one - in addition to agony from the inability to see him again - that you never said. Unspoken words haunt you, they scoff, Recalling that you thought, if you have an eternity. And it is not none.
№ 289000   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2017 / 15:39