Book: When butterfly wings get burned. Page 1

- Probably, all do not love autumn just because it reminds all of their own. Dying in this world, such a quick and shaky. Or because among all that bright, they feel empty inside.
And winter?
- A New year already, I almost forgot.
It will have to first look inside your shoes, pockets dark gray coat and my mother's pills. He's definitely in there somewhere was lost, lies, sad, crying, as if he someone had died. And he himself dies.
Is my favorite holiday, I opened the window, sticking my head in snowflakes-snow-sea, closing her eyes against, like when you talked to me.
And my picks my friend, sniffles, squeezing. Often-often blinking, slowing the speed.
The wind braids my hair and wrists in a hard knot, and I am silent. Follow with their eyes the cloud of snow, ice, no more sugar. Look at the world from under lowered lashes, uzmetall sweaters and fears.
№ 381601   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:25
Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare.
I put it in his pocket and hauling himself by the collar in an ice house. There's even more of a nightmare, where all the walls are saturated with it, though, and quickly. There you can cast shadows on everything: on mugs without handles, pens with no caps at my hands and my mother's limp hair to life, frozen in the doorway, sobbing quietly so that the ears lays. There, you throw millions of shadows, and I'm just one - a skinny, with long fingers and always messy hair, sticking out in different directions.
№ 381600   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:25
Peddling their eye on the street lights, shivering, blurred like beacons. I see only the snow, only men, only sleepy person. if someone closes us all eyes with his hands, and we walk, slaps through the puddles, through the snow, on the graves, not noticing the difference.
And its not.
There under the black mounds only of the body. no one else.
№ 381599   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:25
The whole world - tears when you left.
№ 381598   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:24
Look, this world is so empty, look, it's so quiet, but still it is not enough. maybe just because he is neobyatnoy nowhere. endless. and we are not, we are probably even more. only different, you know?
№ 381597   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:23
Our voices seemed lost, and we all read lips quiet. she is not what she seems, not invisible, not silent, fragile and lonely. It's so loud, falling down like lightning, striking all at once. more likely those who store sea salt on his cheeks.
№ 381596   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:23
loving you was like loving the sea.
forever but impossible.
or just too real, so that many die.
№ 381594   Added Viker 02-11-2019 / 10:04