Book: Legends Shaldina

- Believe me, Queen, if it were not bad there would not be good I'm just doing my job I am the angel of death, Azrael said
- I agree with you, angel I'm sorry that my mother died but apparently she's better in heaven-like you said Shaldina.
- Hope for the best because if you think about all the good you will always be well-answered Azrael
№ 396549   Added Viker 01-06-2020 / 11:05
Nitekh who do good.
№ 396328   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2020 / 12:15
There is no more obvious truth than that which the world cannot exist forever. Mortals sure are in control of absolutely everything, but they do not realize that many of the things they are simply still not subject. And not even all the gods can influence the course of history.
№ 396091   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:56
- We are all temporary - and the lords of the world, and ordinary people, ' said Azrael.
But this does not apply to an immortal, ' said the Queen Shaldina.
- If it were not given to you from above, you would not be immortal. So, thank God for the fact that you're immortal! said the angel
№ 396089   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:55
The important thing is not how great you are, and so you succeed in good works. Because everything in the world is temporary, but the good deeds will be remembered forever.
№ 396088   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:55
Many wanted to kill me but they failed in the past will not work now and in the future.
And you know why?
Because the one who dies with honor the immortal death those who die without her.
№ 395694   Added Viker 22-05-2020 / 07:33