Author of quotes: Jan-Philip Sendker. Page 2

He taught Mi Mi to trust life, gave her a place where she could be weak. He didn't have to prove anything. Tin VIN - the only person she admitted just how humiliating for her to crawl on all fours. Only he Mi Mi told a dream to walk on Kahlo on strong, healthy legs to run and jump highly. Why jump? And just like that. Tin tried to console her. He hugged her silently. Mi Mi knew he understood her condition and her feelings.
№ 164341   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:52
Melody of the heart - sound which tin always regarded with the greatest reverence. Especially when it was about Mi Mi. Now the girl's heart was beating just a few inches from his ear. Tina thought he looks through the crack into the depths of her world, where the main sound was the beating. Amazingly beautiful and incomparable.
№ 164340   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:52
- You don't need to be afraid of. You can't lose. I'm part of you like you're a part of me. Well, go ahead?
№ 164338   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
With the appearance of mi Mi, everything changed. Inner numbness started to melt. Her presence gave confidence. Her eyes looked over both of them. Tin Wine never doubted the sincerity of mi Mi, when she spoke, where you should turn, or explained how looks the place where they are. With her help, he ceased to feel a stranger in your own life. This girl made him part of the street market, surrounding hills or any other area. Thanks to Mi Mi tin Wine ceased to perceive the world as something hostile. He first turned to the life of a person.
№ 164337   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
Mi Mi directed him, as the rower of a boat. With every step, turn and bypassed the obstacle of the tin the Wines feel more confident. Voice Mi Mi sounded near his ear, reassuring. Ting, who did not trust even their own senses now learned to rely on her eyes.
№ 164335   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
Mi Mi was surprised how people are always trying to rush time. She was so used to waiting that has surprised and even worried if some event happened immediately. The wait gave her some minutes and sometimes even hours of peace when you could be alone.
№ 164334   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
The conviction of mi Mi, every action, every event demanded his time. After all, the Land for twenty-four hours rotates around its axis, and the path around the Sun spends three hundred and sixty five days.
№ 164333   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
He was sure that I'll find that Mi Mi. Finds out where she is, the thuds of her heart. Go to the smell. Hear her voice, even if it's just a whisper.
№ 164332   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
Wherever he was and whatever was taken, thinking back to Mi Mi. Tin VIN heard her heartbeat and her voice. Felt the tenderness of the skin, slight body on his back. Her scent chased the mud - a soft, sweet aroma that cannot be confused with anything.
№ 164331   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
... Through the streams and rivers of the sounds through the rustling, buzzing, crackling, creaking, chirping and cooing to the ears of Wine Tina could hear a strange tapping. Slow, steady, calm. Strong and at the same time gentle, it seemed, was the source of all other votes of the world... Step. One more step.. the Sound was getting louder and clearer.
- Is there someone here?
Yes. The most your feet, - said the girlish voice. ..
- Who are you, what's your name?
- Mi Mi.
- You hear a sound like a muffled steps?
- No.
- It is strange. He is somewhere very close. .. I can hear it more clearly. It is so soft. A little similar to knocking hours. You don't hear it?
- No.
.. Tin VIN bent down to her, feeling for her breath.
- The sound comes from you. ..
He crawled closer, holding his head at the chest of mi Mi.
Is your heart - said tin of Wine, sitting down beside her on the floor. All this time I could hear it beating.
- .. And you like the sound of my heart?
Amazing. Anything more beautiful I have not heard. It is similar to.. - tin VIN hesitated searching for the right words. - Can't even tell you what. He's... unusual.
№ 164330   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
Fear is familiar to all. To every living creature. It is similar to a swarm of flies circling over a manure pile. Animals flee, birds hurry to fly and fish to swim away. All they want in a safe place. Someone gets to them. Someone drops dead from exhaustion. We humans behave no wiser. The mind can understand: there's no corners where to hide from his own nightmares. And still desperately rush to find them. Strive for wealth and power. Cherish the illusion that we are stronger than any danger. Trying to control others. Children, wives, neighbors, friends. Ambition and fear have in common is ignorance of your personal limits. Wealth and power are reminiscent of the opium... They are not able to overcome the fear. There is only one force that exceeds it. Love.
№ 164328   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
The rage that makes us blind and deaf. And yet fear, envy, distrust. When you're mad or scared, the world shrinks and everything in it goes wrong.
№ 164327   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
Happiness can live anywhere and he doesn't care "destiny".
№ 164326   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51
- Is it true that caterpillars turn into butterflies? - suddenly asked the boy.
- Then who we become?
№ 164325   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:51