Author of quotes: Bishop Panteleimon

Love is a willingness to sacrifice oneself, a desire to make another person happy, a willingness to endure another, endure his shortcomings, endure his weaknesses, endure his imperfections. And not just endure in silence, gritting your teeth, with malice, with irritation, but with hope, with the hope of a change for the better. Help him in his moral growth, in his spiritual perfection. When you are ready to give yourself all to another: both your soul and body, and feelings, and time, and prosperity - everything is for another. This loyalty to another in everything is love - the basis of marriage.
№ 441603   Added MegaMozg 29-06-2022 / 02:06
Having children is one of the foundations of marriage. If people shy away from having children in marriage, then they are robbing themselves of great joy, depriving themselves of the opportunity to see the fruit of love, which binds them together. The birth and upbringing of the child, although difficult, but the greatest joy. Above this joy, there is almost nothing on the ground. When the family has a baby, her life renewed, sanctified by the miracle of birth. You re-live the child another life, reacquainting myself with the world rethink many issues. Touching, small, pure child multiplies the love, arouses tenderness. Caring about him makes you forget all your sorrows and difficulties.
Quote Explanation: From an interview with "Izvestiya" on 1 June 2017.
№ 288672   Added MegaMozg 02-06-2017 / 07:06
Children are victims of divorce suffer from a lack of love. Sometimes a child's parents refuse and he gets in an institution, and sometimes do not have time to be born and die during an abortion. <...> If a child is not born, it does not mean that it is not. <...> The Church calls to protect a child who already has a soul, which is already the future, which is the future should be bright and cheery, regardless of his weight and age. Regardless, he was born or is still in the womb. According to official data, in Russia in 2015 year, there were 746 thousand abortions. Are children who their parents have not given be born. We urge to protect the child's life and recognize that his life must be protected from the moment of conception. <...> If the mother permits the killing of the unborn, does not allow him to be born, she kills his mother. And it is also very important to understand that it harms first of all to myself. She thinks it's exempt from unnecessary worries, thinks she saves a child from poverty, perhaps from some kind of congenital disease, but in fact she kills him and causes him terrible anguish, because, even while in the womb, the baby during an abortion experiences the suffering, and the doctors confirm this. We're not just talking about child protection, but also protection of moral, spiritual and physical health of women. Surgery abortion is not a treatment and medical care. It does not help the health, and injurious to women's health, she saves lives, and Vice versa - takes the life of a child.
Quote Explanation: From an interview with "Izvestiya" on 1 June 2017.
№ 288671   Added MegaMozg 02-06-2017 / 07:06