Author of quotes: Vadim Nord. Page 4

Years paint - so. And if I paint, then something like this - the inner light, the wisdom of years lived, but everything that can SAG, begins to SAG, wrinkles becoming more and more the hair emerges gray hair... sad, Sad.
№ 303888   Added MegaMozg 12-10-2017 / 22:06
Was life. Was. Been and gone...
№ 303831   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2017 / 22:42
And the character of Veronica was not made of sugar and honey, but rather a vinegar-mustard. At work and in General the people she kept herself within the strict framework of turning a blind eye to a lot that she didn't like, but at home, felt no need to pretend. If the house to pretend and to play some fantasy role, so that life is a sham, a one-act play stretched out for many, many years.
№ 303830   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2017 / 22:39
A man appeared, fascinated, for a time all was well, and then Veronica was bored... Or she was beginning to notice the things you never noticed before... Or rapid rhythm of life become a hindrance to the further development of relations...
№ 303829   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2017 / 22:36
And all by herself, by herself, without help, without someone's powerful patronage. A classic example of a self-made woman. A dream come true, it is a pity that no one with whom to share this joy - the mother is long dead, and men in the life of Veronica changed so often that no one could be considered as a close, native person.
№ 303828   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2017 / 22:33
Life line straight as an arrow - a kindergarten, school, College, marriage, family, children, factory, pension, cemetery. Watch the closing doors, next stop... and so on until the end.
№ 303825   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2017 / 22:24