Author of quotes: Elder Joseph The Hesychast

We know that we have tasted wine and experienced the sweetness of his if you give him the vinegar, and immediately recognizes it and turns away. The same understand, and divine grace: who has known and tasted its fruit, that through the grace of the enlightened mind and the thought of it, clearly distinguish cometh as a thief and the fruit charms generating.
Quote Explanation: Joseph explained that grace brings peace of soul, and the charm is always accompanied by anxiety: "Then the man inflates like a fur, dark and impure air, so that even his hair stand on end, and he becomes troubled and restless".
№ 400336   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 05:39
Don't believe what you hear. True - the thing is expensive, and not everyone in words will find her. Every man as he lives and speaks. Learn the truth of the words of life.
№ 400334   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 05:33
Don't let yourself to look at the faults of others, because, unaware, will be the assistant of the evil one and lose their prosperity in good. Does not make ignorance an ally of the enemy of your soul.
№ 398078   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2020 / 15:12