Author of quotes: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Page 1

When I was born, mom and dad were in the theater. Came, and here I am.
№ 335428   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:42
Imagination is the most valuable quality of the human mind, and it must be carefully brought up from early childhood, - how to raise a musical sense, not to trample with his boots.
№ 335427   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:41
The translation is that the woman: if she is beautiful, she is wrong, if true - ugly.
Quote Explanation: An epigraph.
№ 335425   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:39
Four-year-old Tick, hearing the famous song "Beloved city in a blue haze melts", reproduced these words thus: "Beloved city, blue smoke China".
But don Quixote called "Slim cat".
№ 335422   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:36
- How old are you?
Soon eight and three.
№ 335421   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:35
And married back you can go?
№ 335420   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:34
So then came band in the life of the Russian spoken and written speech: any fusion of the words suddenly became extremely active. This activity was reflected in the fact that the adhesions have undergone even the old phrase, never cristalina old. It happened without any administrative pressure, in order of initiative of the masses. The initiative manifested itself sometimes in the most unexpected and funny buffonade.
Mayakovsky, for example, told me that young Muscovites, appointing a rendezvous of his fans, say two words:
Of Tverbul Pampush!
Those though well aware that the so-called popular site love Dating: Tverskoy Boulevard, Pushkin monument. This Tverbul Pampush was especially dear to me because it heard something Ukrainian: in connection with these words in mind arise and Taras Bulba, and delicious, fried in lard dumplings.
№ 335417   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:31
The story is told at the time, Vladimir dal, it seems to me instructive.
"Visiting the Greek sat by the sea and sang something to myself, and then tearfully cried. What happened in this Russian were asked to translate the song; the Greek translated: sitting bird, don't know how to call in Russian, she sat on the mountain, sat a long time, waved his wings, flew far, far away, through the forest flew away... And that's it. In Russian not out of nothing, and in Greek it is a pity".
№ 335415   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:29
Excellent translator Valentin Smetanich (Stenich), translating from German French novel by Charles-Louis Philippe, depicted in the translation, as the young granddaughter from Paris, sending money to his old grandfather, living in the country, gives it such incredible advice:
- Go to the money to the girls so as not to bother grandma.
This phrase gives the further relation of the translator to the heroine. He decided that life in Paris corrupted it, and all its further actions gave a hint of cynicism. What was the surprise of the translator, when in a few years he became acquainted with the original and saw that granddaughter, sending money to the grandfather not told him to spend the money on debauchery, but just advised to take the maid to the grandmother it was easier to cope with homework.
№ 335412   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:26
- You, dragonfly! said the mother of his three year old Irina.
I'm not a dragonfly, and I lyud!
№ 335408   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:22
Mom, I feel sorry for the horses that they can't in the nose to pick.
№ 335407   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2018 / 12:21
Girl four and a half years of reading "the Tale of the fisherman and the fish".
- Here silly old man, - she was indignant, - asked the fish a new home, a new Jerusalem. Would ask immediately a new woman.
№ 335406   Added Viker 28-07-2018 / 12:20
The rest brainwashed with the help of Newspapers, radio and television-on-one saltyk, and you can know in advance what they will say on any occasion. No people, furniture furniture armchairs, chairs etc. once Schedrin, and Kuzma Prutkov was laughing on the project on introduction in Russia of unanimity - the project is now implemented; all have the same breech method of thinking, bright individuals - have become the greatest rarity.
Quote Explanation: Saltyk (also the plane made debut flights) - the term Tatar origin, which formed a kind of surname Saltykov (Soltykevych). Saltyk (obsolete.) - lad, warehouse, or sample. "On your saltyk" - "its own way" (Melnikov, Dal).
№ 334778   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2018 / 21:03
... went to court on the matter Baturova (Card state Monopoly). The case of the ordinary: the company of today's youth stood at the head of the Card factory. <...> most Often, behind the facade of compras hidden "enrich". They enriched themselves - robbed the Treasury, as best they could. They were in this case more talented than others, and that's all. Not felt any difference between their mentality and mentality of all others. A country where you still believe the papers, not people, where, under the guise of high slogans often lies very low, "petty-bourgeois" practice, all is full of such as they. They're only slightly intercepted over the edge. But they are flesh of our everyday life. So all over the room - between them and the audience the most intimate connection. "We are". <...> In all this I was struck by one. It turns out that people are so afraid to love wine, women and entertainment in General, that's because this boring nonsense is going to the most cruel judicial torture. Nothing else but women, wine, restaurants and other anguish, those poor loser is not produced. But women can get and free, - especially so young and cute - and the wine? - Yes do go to the Hermitage is no more happiness? Do no they never said that, for example, to read feta is sweeter than wine? I recently had Dobychin, and I began to read feta one poem after another, and all could not stop, choose your favorite, and have experienced such bliss that seemed out - and could not imagine that somewhere there are people for whom this is dead and unnecessary. It turns out that we are only in the anniversary articles say that the poetry of FET is "one of the highest achievements of Russian poetry" and what is this lyrics - is happiness, which can fill up to the top of the man, that almost no one knows: I did not know and Batalov did not know and Eve. Don't know either Entin, neither the judge nor the Prosecutor. Russian embezzler knows he's got a little public money, so we immediately rush to the filthy tavern, pour to vomit the wine, kiss painted semi-literate fools, and enjoying such a miserable and incompetent "happiness", to fall into the clutches of boring investigators, judges, prosecutors. Oh, what a bore, what was intended. Just remarkable that it's not the wasters sitting on the benches for the audience, too, dream about such happiness. Each local citizen imagining - as the limit of pleasure - Emma, brandy, sleepless night in the pub. Other pleasures he can not imagine. Give him the money, he would run for these benefits.
№ 334777   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2018 / 21:02
Poor Fedot - orphan.
Crying poor Fedot:
He doesn't have anyone,
Who would regret it.
Only mother, uncle, aunt,
Only dad grandparents.
№ 327836   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2018 / 18:03