Character: Brooke Dalton

I will not let you escape.
- Why you?
Because I think I know who you are.
Who is it?
- You're the girl who recognized love and jumped.
- Maybe I'm still that girl, but maybe I chose the wrong guy. No one said that I was...
- Yes, but five minutes ago you said you still love him.
Five minutes ago you said I love it! I did not say the last half hour!
№ 399791   Added MegaMozg 04-07-2020 / 02:24
- You have some crazy plan?
- Thank you for not saying "stupid". It means a lot.
№ 342059   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2018 / 07:04
Nick Vaughn, do You agree to pretend to be my boyfriend?
№ 342057   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2018 / 07:02
The Michael anniversary on August 17. This year I decided to surprise him. He was in Atlanta, and I turned on his computer to see when he will have the last meeting and suddenly received a letter marked: "Urgent this evening!" Yes, the letter was about a meeting in room 1216 at the Ritz Carlton. At midnight. And the signature "L". For several months he spoke to her as Lynn and she would sign "Lynnie".
And what did you do?
Nothing. I was just reading these letters like a novel. He wrote to her from the heart in different experiences, something fun. What is usually said to someone you love.
- And your marriage?
- Everything seemed the same. That's just every opinion, every joke, every time we made love - all this was a lie.
№ 342056   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2018 / 06:02
As one of the worst nights of my life can simultaneously be one of the best?
№ 342055   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2018 / 05:02
- You tell me what you want to hear.
- If that's what you want to hear, then you've already made your choice.
№ 342053   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2018 / 03:13