SelfPub: Memory...

Film with my words,
not met with sunrise,
missed the sunset...
We passed by without noticing
the gentle, warm and basic.
Drag with us the baggage of guilt and sorrow,
to the new door closing with shame and anxiety.
I don't want you to remember!
I want to live with you and to hug you.
№ 349094   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2018 / 00:06
A trunk with smiles, meetings...
You remember: I grew wings and happy fell...
And the strongest feelings - again, not seen
and happiness, again did not get the pictures.
When well, we're not in the bag for the camera:
laughing, talking, silent, warm hug.
Do not think about anything and fly again!
To fix the time as to be sad.
These flashes of heat and light will remain in the memory,
but rate the we often, alas, after the fact.
№ 349093   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2018 / 00:05