psychosis [Theme]

- You came back. You just needed support. And a little bit of hope.
№ 453694   Added MegaMozg 18-05-2023 / 22:00
Many imams confuse psychosis with demonic possession. We have nothing to do with demons that are not of the devil. Therefore, there is no need to read any Surah Jinn. Psychosis is treated in a psychiatric hospital. A psychiatrist treats people in such a situation.
№ 448364   Added Viker 02-01-2023 / 13:08
- God, Charlie! What is it?
- Let's talk about mail. All day dream to talk to you on the post, Mac. Pepe, Pepe Sylvia, his name POPs up here and there every day!
№ 383584   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2019 / 12:54
Sometimes I think I'm one of those crazies that can accidentally break the neck of a naughty child, shaking him by the shoulder. Or I could catch up with the person coming accidentally on my foot, and thrust him under the bus. You need to be quieter.
№ 378001   Added MegaMozg 08-09-2019 / 00:33
Psychosis is an unpredictable and devastating illness, patients suffer hallucinations, their delusions are overcome, most of the time they exist in a parallel reality that is very difficult to cure.
№ 355062   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2019 / 07:04