Movie: Ford vs Ferrari (Ford v Ferrari)

He's too much shakes, not the plan.
- Change of plans.
№ 389071   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2020 / 12:04
Sometimes any words... they are... useless. And the tools are there to use it, because they can fix something.
№ 389070   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2020 / 12:02
There is a moment when the seven thousand revolutions, when all is lost, the car becomes weightless, just disappears and only the body, rushing in time and space. Seven thousand rpm - that's when it happens, and you hear the question, the only important question: who are you?
№ 383295   Added MegaMozg 23-11-2019 / 10:14
Happy is the man who found my business in this world, because it is not a single day in your life will not work, but there are very few. But still less than others, and I don't know is lucky or not. It's the people who have great purpose, they are obsessed with it and if they don't achieve this, then just go crazy. I am and I know another who thinks the same way.
№ 382960   Added Viker 19-11-2019 / 09:09