Author of quotes: Hades al-Karni. Page 3

Our life is today, because yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow has not yet arrived. How many people in the world who could be happy, but they have deprived themselves of this possibility. All my childhood they said, "when I grow up...", "That's when I would so many years..." - and lived with these thoughts. When they grew up, they began to say: "That's when I graduate...", "when I grow up...", "That's when I would so many years..." Becoming a young man or girl, they reasoned, "Now when I get married...", "That's when I get married...", "That's when I graduate from College...", "That's when I'll get a job...", "That's when I would so many years..." But when they grow up and marry, these "when" not getting smaller. This continues until, until they begin to say, "That's when I'll retire..." And then, looking back, they suddenly realize that life has passed, and they lived for a minute: they were waiting for the implementation of each "when", after which appeared new and new conditions for happiness. And leaked their entire life waiting for happiness, impossible, in their opinion, without the cherished "when". So they died, without waiting for an illusory happiness, and did not realize a great many of its "when". They couldn't rejoice in the fact that they had not been able to live for today and not understood that you can be happy today, right now.
№ 182840   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:32
Time is divided into past, present and future, or, in other words, yesterday, today and tomorrow. In their attitude to these parts of the time people usually go or one or the other extreme.
There are people who are slaves of the past.
There are people who idolize the present.
There are people who serve the future.
However, there are those who adhere to moderation and the Golden mean, paying tribute to the past and the present, and the future, not slashing the rights of any of them and do not unduly extolling none
of them. Such people are, unfortunately, very little. Let us be one of them!
№ 182834   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:32
What is gone is gone forever
And what will happen to us all unknown.
So, you have only an hour, -
Hour, which now you're together...
№ 182833   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:32
Death has power over people
And this life we are destined to give.
Today we are driving something you
And tomorrow - about you, gone forever.
№ 182832   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:32
Life changes like the weather:
I was happy yesterday, and today was freezing.
Do not be sad, such is the nature of:
tomorrow the sun will rise - and there will be tears.
№ 182831   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:32
Life is a chance we don't appreciate until you lose, and health crown on the heads of the healthy that are able to see only the sick.
№ 181398   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 08:38