Author of quotes: Vasiliy Kurochkin

But love won’t come, it won’t come!
№ 463266   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 15:42
But love won’t come, it won’t come!
№ 463265   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 15:39
My son, the love - Union of hearts,
To bliss the first step;
The second step would be to tie the knot,
And a third under the Shoe.
Quote Explanation: 1865.
№ 299076   Added MegaMozg 26-08-2017 / 23:42
I will raise up a Palace on the sea waves,
How many grains of sand I would find in the steppes,
I teeth from the sky will bring the moon
If the whole world meeting at least one
A woman with passion for money, no!
Secretary, quarterly, essayist, poet
You can hate money all your soul;
A woman can't: the world is not like that!
A woman for our brothers, for men -
Bell, where the sound is always the same.
And everywhere we hear the bell ringing:
"Money! money! money!" - blagovesta it.
Quote Explanation: 1863.
№ 299074   Added MegaMozg 26-08-2017 / 23:36
Everywhere triumphant publicity,
Joined idea in their rights,
And we are from the middle of the danger
Not threatening for words.
The gloom with the silence we hate,
The space requires our spirit,
And safely a number of great truths
I am the first to proclaim aloud.
Order old not new
Not babies - the elderly;
Sick people - not healthy
Very stupid fools.
Death comes for us all, without exception;
There is a world of action without the reason;
The dead do not need treatment.
One off one - to-one.
For cooking soup need cabbage;
Articles required for Newspapers;
The wallet, which is empty,
In fact no money there;
Day and night is day.
The ruble consists of two poltina;
I wish all food stomachs.
One off one - to-one.
The era of transparency has arrived,
All progress - but in the meantime
Blessed is he who talks little
And who doesn't think at all.
Quote Explanation: 1866.
№ 299073   Added MegaMozg 26-08-2017 / 23:33