Author of quotes: Alexander Bashirov

I think that a person himself does not make any mistakes. Everything happens in accordance with the plan that he learns throughout his life. But mistakes themselves are not mistakes, but situations when a person is his own enemy, and if he tempts fate, everything will end badly. If you force yourself, destroy yourself, fall into some kind of addiction, everything is an imbalance. Harmony is disrupted, you lose control - and then everything goes wrong. In general, any addiction - from ideological obsession to a national idea, fanaticism or alcoholism is associated with self-indulgence. You want to get your “share,” as it were, but as a result it turns out to be at the expense of others.
№ 461484   Added Viker 15-01-2024 / 12:51
A negative character is always an enemy not only to people, but also to himself as an individual, and in cinema his destruction occurs before the eyes of the viewer. Usually I find in a negative character the reason for this destruction, and, as a rule, it is always the same - the desire to please my pride and pride. Quite primitive. I find this funny, pathetic, and I play such characters in such a way that they look like charming fools, to the delight of the public.
№ 460656   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:38