Author of quotes: Ayn Rand. Page 25

Show me the woman he sleeps, and I'll tell you how he evaluates himself.
№ 52742   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:57
The purpose of philosophy is not to help men find the meaning of life, but to prove them that there isn't any.
The purpose of philosophy is not to help people find the meaning of life, and to prove to them that it is not.
№ 52113   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:32
Wealth is the result of human's ability to think. Otherwise, it turns out that the money created by the inventor of the engine at the expense of those who do not know how to invent.
№ 52106   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:32
Take a look at our country. It is the most noble country in the history of mankind. Country's greatest achievement, greatest prosperity, greatest freedom. And this country was not founded on selfless service, not sacrifice, not to sacrifice and not on altruism. This country was founded on the human right to seek happiness. Own happiness. Your and anyone's else. Private, personal, selfish motivation. And what are the results!
№ 52102   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:32
Or even this way. One of the most important. Don't let people be happy. Happiness sapostavitelno and self-sufficient. If people are happy, they don't want you. Happy people are free. Why kill the joy in their lives. Take away from them everything they hold dear and important. Never let people have what they want. Make them feel that the very personal desire is evil.
№ 47646   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 22:26
- To destroy the sense of integrity. To destroy the ability to distinguish between greatness and achieve it. A great man cannot be controlled. We don't need great people. Don't deny the concept of greatness. Destroy it from the inside. Great rarely difficult, it is an exception. Set the bar at a level accessible to everyone, down to the most insignificant, the most stupid, and will kill the desire to try all the people, small and large. You destroy the motive to improve.
№ 47645   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 22:26
The soul, Peter, is something that cannot be controlled, it needs to be broken. Get it wedge, take it in your hands, and your people. Don't need a whip - he'll bring it to you and ask you to flog yourself.
Make the person feel malenkim. Make him feel guilty. Kill his aspiration and his integrity... And it's yours.
№ 47644   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 22:26
Words are very few. Only "Howard Roark. Architect." But it's like the motto that was once carved over the gates of the castle which gave life. It's like calling the face of something so huge and dark that all the pain in the world - do you know how much suffering in the world? all the pain comes from there, from that dark Something, that you're doomed to fight. I don't know what it is, I don't know why it would act against you. I only know that it will. And I also know that if you carry your motto until the end, then it will be a victory. Victory is not only for you, Howard, but for something that is obliged to win something, thanks to which the world moves, although it is doomed to remain unknown and unrecognized. And so will be avenged all those who have fallen before you, who have suffered as well as the will to suffer you. Bless you God or whoever there is, one who is able to see the best, highest, on what is capable the human heart. Howard, you took the path that leads to hell.
№ 46385   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
When he entered Wynand got up from the table, looking straight at him. The face of the Wynand was not the face of a stranger face of a stranger - an unknown land, you can open and explore, whether it is the will and desire. There was a familiar face that is closed and never opens. It was not the pain of self-denial, it was the face of a man, denying himself even in pain. Face detached and calm, full of dignity, but not of the living, and that which captured images on a medieval tombs, - the dignity that speaks of past greatness and not allowing it to touch the remains.
№ 46384   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
I got to say that I'm a man that exists not for others. To say this is necessary, because the world is perishing in an Orgy of self-sacrifice.
I do not recognize any obligation to the people, except one: to respect their freedom and not to have any relationship to the society of slaves. I am ready to give my country for ten years who will spend in jail if my country exists no longer. I'll give them in her memory and with gratitude to her for what it was. It will be an act of loyalty to my country and an act of abandonment to live and work in the country, which came to replace it.
№ 46383   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
In the absolute sense, selfish is not a person, endowing other. This is the person who stands above the need to use others. He could do without them. It has no relation to them or their goals or motives for action, nor in thought, nor the desires, nor the origins of its energy. It is not for other people, and he asks that others were for him. This is only possible between people form of brotherhood and mutual respect.
№ 46382   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
People are taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others. But suffering is a disease. Seeing the pain, people try to make it easier. But proclaiming suffering is the Supreme test of goodness, suffering turn into the most important business of life. And now people want to see the suffering of others, to be a more virtuous themselves.
№ 46381   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
On earth nothing is given to man. All he needs, necessary to produce. And he is facing a major choice: there are only two ways to survive living with your mind or disease in the mind of others. The Creator creates. The parasite gets everything second hand. The Creator stands face to face with nature. The parasite is hiding behind a proxy.
№ 46380   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
The first in the land law is the law of Y. the First duty - the duty before him. His moral obligation never to identify their goals with another person; the moral law - to do what he wants, provided that his wishes are basically not depend on other people.
№ 46378   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:35
You don't have to be afraid of the world. To keep you, as keep now. So he didn't hurt you, as it was in court. I have to let you learn the most. I can't help you. You need to find your way. And when you find him, you come back to me. They will not destroy me, Dominique. And they're not destroyed. You win, because you chose the difficult path of struggle for their freedom from the world. I'll wait for you. I love you. I say this continue for all the years while we will have to wait. I love you, Dominic. He kissed and released her.
№ 46181   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:27