Author of quotes: Anne Rice

There are things about which it is better to forget forever.
№ 356577   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 20:14
I want to be an ulcer in the heart of the world.
№ 356576   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 20:13
He loved it the way people love evil, because it brings them delight and makes you tremble for their souls.
№ 356573   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 20:10
But what was Venice when you lived there? Tell me...
- What to tell? She was dirty? She was fine? What dressed in rags, people with rotten teeth and disgusting breath, have fun during public executions? Want to know what is the main difference? That currently people are terribly lonely. No, hear me out. In those years, when I still belonged to the living, we lived for six or seven people in the room. The city streets were filled with a sea of people; and now, troubled souls revel in their high rise buildings with luxury and solitude and through the glass of TV screens looking at the distant world of kisses and touches. Had amass such a huge amount of knowledge and achieved a new level of human consciousness, lyubopytstvom skepticism to become lonely.
№ 356571   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 20:08
Oh, this is delightful to shiver the moment - the moment when the pendulum finally swung and replaced by the ever-increasing madness came a new passion!
№ 356557   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 07:05
You can imagine how great would be the love if you have forever to cherish and preserve it.
№ 356556   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 07:04
But he possessed an unusually powerful energy. The Power Of Evil. Enjoys unquestioned authority among his admirers, surrounded by legends, has neither past nor future, he ruled, still clinging to her incomprehensible.
Quote Explanation: about Azime.
№ 356554   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 07:01
So let the demonic gods fighting among themselves. This mortal has been to the top of the mountain where they crossed swords. And came back. Rejected it.
№ 356553   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 07:00
We are all by nature prone to sensitivity demons.
№ 356552   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:58
You said yourself that you came out of the ground. So learn now to live on it.
Quote Explanation: about Arman.
№ 356551   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:57
You expressed this is a very important argument in favor of the existence of evil, has long been accepted in the Christian world, she said. - It is then and there so we can fight against it and thereby do good deeds.
№ 356550   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:56
He radiated the feeling that he really is. Ancient, very ancient evil, whose eyes have seen those dark times that I could only dream of.
Quote Explanation: about Arman.
№ 356549   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:55
In desperation, he attempted to conquer that not even been able to understand.
Quote Explanation: about Arman.
№ 356548   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:54
Even when the Church erected monuments to Christ and various martyrs spread their image everywhere, she claimed that his death, which was so well enjoyed, the believers, the saints took the hands of the enemy, but never allow even the thought that the cause of these deaths was served the same God, the priests.
№ 356547   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:53
First of all you must realize the following. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the adherents of the Christian religion declared all the ancient pagan gods are demons. After centuries, it is useless even to try to explain to them that their Christ is not who other, as the same God of the forests and groves, the dying and resurrecting, as it did to him and the Dionysus or Osiris. And that the mother is the same Great Mother, worshiped for centuries. A new era has begun, and with it came new convictions and beliefs. We were seen as devils, not connected with what is now believed people. The ancient knowledge was forgotten or understood differently.
№ 356546   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2019 / 06:52