Author of quotes: Anatoly Papanov

My most famous animated role is, of course, the Wolf. Well,
№ 461216   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2024 / 12:12
My most famous animated role is, of course, the Wolf. Well,
№ 461215   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:12
I think that in any field of activity, the wrong attitude towards one’s popularity can turn a person from a professional into a craftsman: he will stop improving.
№ 460816   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 16:50
For the sake of the thirst for creativity, you must cultivate in yourself the need to do the work that you have chosen. Then there will be no time to be bored.
№ 459416   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:28
The most detrimental thing about creativity, especially for a beginner, is easy success or the appearance of success. In my memory, such people did not succeed in anything worthwhile in art. In the theater or cinema, it is better to start from the basics, from the smallest. Do not tear into the clouds, stand strong on the ground, and it will bestow upon you.
№ 455742   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:07
Each role is a collection or something. Any area cut - any hurt. Any role, she's your family. The circle of your friends, good, good you give to their thoughts, their hopes, their aspirations. Ennoble or destroy. Or if it is a negative role, trying to find some of the most sharp, accurate paint, revealing. And still is the subject of your thoughts, the subject of your observation, the subject of your work. Everyday training and everyday creative work.
Quote Explanation: Interview for the program "Time" (1967).
№ 361342   Added MegaMozg 18-02-2019 / 11:27
The unity of the creativity I see in art, theatre, film, television, music. Four muses and one of you...
№ 119412   Added MegaMozg 07-01-2017 / 22:15