Character: Harrison Wells

Experiencing the great adventure, you will remember, who gave you this life.
1 Season 23 Series
№ 362523   Added MegaMozg 27-02-2019 / 17:16
Sometimes we consider ourselves to be smarter than it really is. In my time the books full descriptions of the era of great heroes. Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. None, never heard of felicity smoak.
4 Season 8 Series
№ 350622   Added MegaMozg 21-11-2018 / 16:02
- Why did you do it?
- I couldn't be a coward... I'm not a coward.
Quote Explanation: Ha er switched places with iris, dying instead
3 Season 23 Series
№ 349949   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2018 / 15:08
Jay... a Hero among heroes.
Quote Explanation: Ha-er says about Jay Garrick, who took the place of Wally in the Speed Force.
3 Season 16 Series
№ 349659   Added MegaMozg 10-11-2018 / 20:11
- Okay. The first wells told me that the time will come, and I will be the hero that my job is to be there and be ready when it happens. Know why I like to work here?
- We all have something invested in each other. I put my power in you, and one day this investment will pay for itself when you own wild logic help me out. I guess he would say: "Be in place".
- "Be ready".
- Because, perhaps, you'll have to save me.
Quote Explanation: Ha Era interesting to learn what others have said Hg wells, who worked at S. T. A. R. labs, along with Cisco, Barry and Caitlin
3 Season 11 Series
№ 349266   Added Viker 08-11-2018 / 09:42
Guys.. I would like to say a few words in honor of this event. The house is more than bricks, cement and... the turtle. This... This feeling. This feeling native home, isn't it? The feeling of love, of course. Hope. In the future - I didn't know, did I ever two people who fit together more than you. For Barry and iris.
Quote Explanation: Harrison wells from the Ground-19 congratulates Barry and iris housewarming
3 Season 10 Series
№ 349263   Added Viker 08-11-2018 / 09:42
- As an interested observer, I can say that Barry admires you.
Yes. And he needs me to listen, but he does not.
Because his real superpower is not speed, but hope. Her youngster an infinite supply. I'm sure everything will be fine.
- Well, now he's wrong. Like all of them.
3 Season 7 Series
№ 349000   Added MegaMozg 06-11-2018 / 12:05
- Nothing is guaranteed, except death.
- Edgar Allan PoE?
- Kanye West.
2 Season 16 Series
№ 242840   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 17:38
Well, Barry Allen, our fates are in your hands. I know you can do this. So run, Barry. Run.
Quote Explanation: Barry returns to the past to save his mother, and it will also help to Eobard Thawne (Harrison Wells) to return to the future in the time machine made him Cisco.
1 Season 23 Series
№ 225661   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:56
You are now so young. I could kill you. Easily. Right now. What I wouldn't give... to see you like this before. So... helpless. But fate... tricky. Isn't it? I have come to destroy you but to return, I'll have to create. But I must say, I learned a lot. I've been watching you all these years... at shows... games... No sign. The slightest symptom. Any nuggets of who you'll be someday! And who I hate. And just so you know, nothing is forgotten. The reckoning will come, Barry Allen, I promise. You're going to die.
1 Season 20 Series
№ 225073   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:37
Barry, listen to me. Breathe. Breathe... feel the air. Feel the wind in your face. Feel the earth. The legs that raise and push you. And zip. Barry. Feel the lightning. Feel its power. As it is, the current flows through your veins. As it is bursting. How permeates every nerve in your body, like the discharge. You're not you any more. You're part of something bigger. You're part of the power of speed! It's yours. Now, come on. Run, Barry. Run!
1 Season 17 Series
№ 225072   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:37
Everyone loses someone they love. But the real test of character is what you do when they aren't.
(We all lose something dear, it is only important what you do after this loss).
2 Season 5 Series
№ 213509   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:00