fear [Theme] Page 259

Don't fear to rule the mind;
Otherwise we are moving away from achievements.
№ 44918   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:38
Courage is what you do despite the fear.
(To overcome fear - a feat.)
2 Season 14 Series
№ 44759   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:31
She was terrified of things against which the alarm is powerless: the gusts of wind hitting the window, strange sounds voles, which are occasionally used in late autumn for warmth.
№ 44674   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:27
Well, where we are afraid, we have nothing to fear!
№ 44508   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:21
Do you think Adrian?
Of fire.
- Are you afraid of fire? I have good news for you...
And height.
And height? So today is your lucky day...
And microbes, and pins, milk, crowds, spiders, sand...
- Long list. You lived in darkness.
- Yes, and dark too. Elevators, earthquakes, fungi, tigers, boats...
№ 44426   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:18
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
The biggest mistake you can make in your life, is the constant fear of failure.
№ 44395   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:16
There is a very good remedy for fear: sleep. Especially it is recommended to pull on the head of the blanket.
№ 44374   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:16
But most of all I fear the dark because in the dark everything becomes equally grey.
№ 44052   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 20:04
And he ran, eyes drawing back,
As if led after him by his fear.
№ 43866   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:56
The terrorists draw strength from the fear of innocent people.
2 Season
№ 43781   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:53
~ We hide behind a wall of indifference, afraid of new feelings and emotions ... ~ We start blogs hiding behind nicknames, pour out our souls to an indifferent Internet because we think that we are completely alone in this world ... ~ We easily communicate with hundreds of strangers on social networks, calling them "friends", instead of talking to one person who is dearest to us ... ~ We are afraid to ask for help when we really need it, thinking that we will be considered weak .. . ~ We need support and a strong shoulder nearby, but it's easier for us to be strong, proud and with nothing to admit to it ... ~ We seem proud, strong and independent, although the heart breaks with pain and longing ... ~ We smile at others, convincing them that everything is fine, try to hide the pain, and cry at night, burying our face into a pillow ... ~ We put on masks, gradually losing ourselves as real ones, getting confused in the roles we play, turning life into a silly masquerade, show, game for the public ... ~ We look away and look for answers anywhere, but not in the eyes dear to us on the contrary ... ~ We laugh and pretend that we don't care instead of taking our hands and say everything as it is, admit your feelings, voice your thoughts ... ~ We put the ellipsis where you need to put a bullet, hoping that it still can be ... ~ We try to hold back when you just need to let it go. .. ~ We look at the phone screen in the hope of hearing the same call instead of dialing the number ourselves and simply saying "Hello", thinking that it is better to show our pride than true feelings, considering them a manifestation of weakness ... ~ We write nonsense, trying to understand yourself, but instead only get more confused ... ~ Wet we say a lot that in the end we forget to say the most important words ... ~ We laugh it off, hiding our real thoughts and desires behind a nervous laugh ... ~ We compose letters, trying to simply and frankly tell everything that has accumulated in the soul, and then we edit them and send a dry, polite and concise version ... ~ We say no when the heart desperately shouts "YES" ... ~ We leave when we want to stay ... ~ We give up when we need to fight .. . ~ We do not trust, but demand that they trust us ... ~ We know how to love, but it is easier for us to hate ... ~ We get used to to him or to someone, we live in an ordinary and colorless world, although in an instant they could decorate it with all the colors of the rainbow, letting something new into it ... ~ We stand still when we reach out and say "Come to me", losing someone who is an important part of us and our world ... ~ We say "just friends" when we cannot understand - this is still friendship, or something more ... ~ We are too we think a lot, skipping the moments that need to be lived, guided only by emotions, impulses and desires ... ~ We think about the consequences before to do something, thereby depriving ourselves of the chance to be happy ... ~ We are ashamed of our impulses and desires, being confident that we will not be understood, will not be supported, will not be accepted ... ~ We surround ourselves with generally accepted conventions and rules, we drive ourselves into narrow frames, being careful of passive glances of passers-by, forgetting that each person is unique ... ~ We love, but are silent; we dream, but do not strive to fulfill our dreams; breathing, but suffocating; We believe in God, but lose faith in ourselves; we do things that bring us moments of happiness, and then we regret what we did ... ~ We walk in circles, afraid to take a step to the side and radically change our lives, even if we know that these changes are for the better ... One step ... and get everything we dream about, everything we want, all we need! Just take a chance: ask for help; to allow someone with whom you don’t need to wear a maxi to be with whom you don’t always have to be strong; forget, forgive, understand; dial the number; take outstretched hand; to say everything as it is, without hiding or fearing your feelings; hug if you want to hug; kiss if you want to kiss; go forward in spite of everyone and everything; dot all the i's ... and finally start calling a spade a spade! We are simply afraid to live the way we want! We are simply afraid to live the way we ... We are simply afraid to live the way ... We are simply afraid to live the way ... WE ARE SIMPLY AFRAID TO LIVE !!!
№ 43725   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:50
If you have bad breath, then you have nobody to talk to. If you have pimples, the girls will not sleep with you. Is a company of fear and consumption. That's why all in one database. The idea is to scare, then people will buy it.
№ 43712   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:50
The knife you're afraid to shave, be sure to slit you in the finger. The train on which you vital time, go for five minutes ahead of schedule - at least, judging by your clock.
№ 43584   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:45
Past me the path of life again, had been laid wrong tracks, which could merge into mine. But I didn't.
№ 43405   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:37
How a person overcomes fear, so he is the man!
№ 43366   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:35