please [Theme]

To please everyone is to make a fool of yourself.
№ 465081   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 15:36
Woe to the one who tries to win the favor of people both in word and in deed, but neglects about truth and justice.
Quote Explanation: "The venerable and God-bearing father of our Abba Isaiah, the hermit of the Egyptian, spiritual and moral words." Ed. 2nd. Sergiev Posad, (1911). P. 191.
№ 407681   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2020 / 15:45
The experience of Bakin knew the hula to his books not only unpleasant, but also greatly dangerous. And it wasn't even that he was afraid to lose heart, with this blasphemy. On the contrary: he understood that the active rejection can lead to the fact that now all of his creative impulses will be accompanied by a certain reaction. And he feared that the result of the interaction of these two mutually exclusive forces are ugly work. Any full creative power of the writer, except those seeking only to please the tastes of the time, involuntarily risked in the face of such danger.
№ 397406   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:36
Of course, you can't really avoid responsibility for your actions and your being. Liability neither the left or right, and such an attempt is always destructive to someone trying to do it. I stood up Louise with her obsessive desire to please and thereby showed that the only way to please me - not to be obsequious. In doing so, I exacerbated its contradictions. This tactic output constant inner struggle Louisa.
№ 396099   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:57
Louise denied responsibility for themselves and for their own actions. She learned early that helpless and abandoned in a world in which adults themselves are very vulnerable (as shown by the death of her parents), could turn it as they wanted. The only source of security seemed always ready to please others. Louise hardly experienced any domestic awareness and rarely thought about what she wants, because her need for security was identified for her with a need to please others. And she really succeeded.
№ 396098   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:57