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Many say they don't like them, they're lonely. After getting to know them closer, you realize they do not know and do not want to love, and that will be to the death whine.
№ 202051   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2017 / 08:42
Just avoid love at all costs. That's my motto.
№ 199576   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 21:09
Why do you need someone, if there is a person that replaces them all? If you little - you don't love.
№ 198463   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 20:01
Two people with a piece of ice instead of a heart so ugly to each other that accidentally touched sleeves, jump in different directions, as if touched something nauseating-disgusting. The old Testament "sterpitsya - slyubitsya" in these cases does not work, questioning the wisdom of the ancestors.
№ 196549   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 18:38
He only touches my arm, and I feel bad. He was bad - and I feel bad. And so every day, every night. Therefore, we have no children.
6 Series
№ 196120   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 18:20
Cyril stepped toward me, put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him I never loved him. He seemed nice, attractive, I loved the pleasure that he gave me, but I don't need it.
№ 193571   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 16:41
Hold the heart you do not already own... it's not love. It's an obsession.
14 Series
№ 193450   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 16:37
What good to languish on the person, if it is still your never be?
№ 190689   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 14:46
Nobody showed me how to return
The love you give to me.
Mom never hugged me,
Dad loves a stranger more than me.
No one showed me how to answer
The kind of love that you give me.
I never hugged mom,
Dad loved any stranger more than me.
№ 189784   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 14:08
I saw her pretty childish lips raised, tender, but still did not feel the slightest excitement. However, hope still lived in me - and suddenly in the moment of the kiss normality and a genuine passion wakes me themselves? The mechanism comes into motion, and no force can stop him.
I put my lips to your mouth Sonoko. A second passed. No sensations at all. Two seconds. Nothing. Three seconds... I was all clear.
№ 189462   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 13:53
I almost made a speech. That I am not indifferent to her. Maybe it's not conspicuous, but I noticed her as soon as he entered the infirmary. I absorbed the momentum of her body, her walk, watched how she stands, sits, yawns or stretches himself, saw her pastel-colored apparel, jewelry butterfly on a thin chain to take into account and compared to her moods, outbursts, facial expressions and gestures. I closed my eyes I saw her face, thought of her falling asleep. She was like me in appearance and character, I liked the salty taste of her lips and her tone, the touch of her fingers and what they wrote on my body...
I was going to say it, but he couldn't force her to.
It wouldn't be a complete lie. But it wouldn't be the whole truth.
№ 186123   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 11:37
Touch unloved is violence, every touch hurts, like a full slap in the face.
№ 185068   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 10:56
I wish I didn't love even a hundred years thousand.
So tortured all the people of his dislike of me.
If I scream, no one hears
So where do I will someone to change.
№ 184640   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 10:38
- With others has always been easier, than with you.
- What is easier?
- I didn't love them.
№ 182277   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:11
And yet - there is no ultimate Happiness and Prosperity. Lisa is the worst. Even if a woman meets the man of her life - Ah, Yes, the Man of My Life, Lisa, she lives with him for two years, or three, or five, and the first stop of his want, because you never want that here with you all the time, then they start to fight, so at least something was happening, and then be jealous of each other, then it makes sense, then children grow up and cheer - lease, count, happy, mutual love is also a big test how long the calm - you have one extracted, recovered from around the world, you together? Well, okay, travel. Well, thump. Well, anything there. But nothing happens Crazy, Lisa, but we can not train without it. Well, everything. Quarrel, reconciliation, sex on major holidays - er, Lisa, the terrible thing. Even if It is! The Right One! Lisa, "got married, lived happily and died in one day" - it is not the word save, it's just really nothing to say. All the six hundred pages each other in a month conquered, and then married, and the remaining forty years nothing happens, Lisa, and this hung as well as from belubula. There is no ultimate happiness, as long as you live. You wanted a house, bought a house, and two years later you're bored in it, as it was in the previous one; and you will never be satisfied. My problem is that I even more it all gets in the shortest time possible - happiness in alternation, Lisa, right, my friend Sergey Gavrilov, "when one wants a woman when a woman wants to kick her out nafig and to live freely". And it's not too Scary and not Hopeless and does not Negate the Possibility of Happiness - no, that's life, that's life, Lisa, so much manages to happen, you wonder. Nothing fatal. You can live at all with anything. With anything, Lisa. The man is tenacious, adaptive, nimble creature damn, no Love for Life, no Incompatible with Life Experiences - all are ground, Lisa, so fast that it becomes really uncomfortable then because we then threw a hell, nightmare and anguish.
№ 180502   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 21:25