Author of quotes: Rinat Valiullin

People are like pickles: some are phlegmatic, like pickled cucumbers, others are cheerful, but loose, like pickled tomatoes, others are sad and therefore unattractive, like pickled cabbage. Everyone, rolled into the banks of their apartments, languished and waited in line for an autopsy. Depression was in the air, along with the tinsel of this time of year. Only greedy overwhelming love could save the skin of the average person, for example mine. I was saved. I didn’t blather, I already knew that if someone loved you, we should cherish it. This tram could be the last one. Then wait, freeze, get angry. It's not a fact that it will work yet. Not the fact that something else will suit you, will suit you.
№ 430320   Added MegaMozg 06-10-2021 / 22:48
Peter leaves autographs for his guests right in his heart.
№ 405249   Added MegaMozg 10-10-2020 / 22:09
It is impossible to be sad in the summer, it is short.
№ 398284   Added Viker 17-06-2020 / 08:46
Not stack - subtracts!
№ 393622   Added Viker 07-05-2020 / 10:15
- The love of a woman guarantee you success in everything.
- Come on, now I have a wonderful woman, and things not.
- So, you do not love her.
№ 393620   Added Viker 07-05-2020 / 10:15
The whole meaning of life in joy. It is important that your children's laughter was enough for the adult life.
№ 390711   Added MegaMozg 09-04-2020 / 00:36
Our city is really sexual, it was worth a look in the window, and there are a hundred fifty shades of grey.
№ 390601   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2020 / 06:54
Any connection does test of strength: ropes of it twist or chat mobile.
№ 390600   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2020 / 06:48
- When will I be happy?
- When you learn to say "No".
- Who?
- Anyone who steals your time.
№ 390599   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2020 / 06:45
Sarcasm all have brains tight.
№ 390598   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2020 / 06:42
The main thing in isolation is to have the right sofa. A good sofa can also be the sea.
№ 390533   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2020 / 15:54
Come on, it's not called. Know on this account my grandma used to say: If a man does not call, call myself... different.
№ 389905   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2020 / 00:03
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No, I only believe in the coffee in the morning, home cooked not by me.
№ 389904   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2020 / 00:00
Tuesday gave Monday. Love it was not enough, solid friendship. I quit Smoking, coffee in me already did not climb, to discuss the obvious tired, in General, to be friends today is not wanted.
№ 389902   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2020 / 23:54
The sea she dreamed so often that even her brown eyes began to change color.
№ 389874   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2020 / 22:33